Physiques of cooking show hosts


Two other topics (exercise instructors' physiques and favorite cooking show host) got me thinking about this.

I actually don't mind if exercise video instructors are a little bigger than the standard "fitness model" because I am not thin and I truly believe it is possible to be medium-sized and still very fit. I am medically in the normal weight BMI category, but not slender (150 pounds at 5'6"), and I chafe against the assumption that very thin equals very fit, and that a weight gain of, say, 20 lbs., even if it still leaves you with a healthy BMI, must be due to lack of exercise, lack of willpower, or a medical problem, and that that alone would make an instructor not-inspirational.

HOWEVER, I realized today that I don't like to watch Paula Dean and Ina Garten because they are quite a bit heavier than other cooking show hosts. Not sure why I feel this way - I guess I sort of think "they should spend less time obsessed with food and more time doing something else." Probably the fact that they are obsessed with food leads to the fact that they are quite heavy, but I guess my personal food philosophy is more "small portions of really great foods", in moderation. And Paula and Ina don't look like they enjoy small portions or that they consume in moderation, they look like people who overeat. So I don't consider them to be inspirational cooks, because I guess I think that people who appear to eat massive quantities of food are not very discriminating about what they eat.

I'm not proud to think this way because I usually think that I don't have any body-shape prejudices, or at least have fewer than most people. But I guess I do. Does anyone else feel this way?
I got nothing.


I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.
Ellen DeGeneres
I don't watch cooking shows and have no idea who these people are. Rachel Ray drives me nuts, and I always laughed at Julia Child though.
<<Does anyone else feel this way?>>

Ummm...nope. I don't care if they're fat or thin, as long they really know what they're doing with the ingredients, and really care about what they're doing with the ingredients. It's easy to tell when the love's not there.

It's funny. My mom doesn't care Giada DeLaurentis because she "doesn't trust a skinny cook".
Hey Gayle and fellow "boxer-mom"....I completely agree with you on Giada. While I like her show (because I'm half Italian and love all things Italian!), I sometimes wonder if she ever really EATS what she makes! I think your mom has it right! }(
Diane - I can't watch Paula Dean because of the WAY she cooks! She takes healthy delicious stuff and turns it into fat and calorie laden stuff. I watched her take a lovely broiled salmon, add mayonaise AND oil to it along with a bunch of other things - and I mean a LOT of mayo and oil and serve like a tuna salad. Greens get laden down with dressings that sound like a heart attack waiting to happen. I literally feel sick to my stomach when I watch her cook. I don't mind Ina Garten because she doesn't cook like that. And some of her recipes can be made healthier.

I do adore Alton Brown though as I love the way he explains WHY we should cook a certain way. And I keep meaning to try his protein bars - they look great.
I agree with you Diane.
Paula Dean is the one who really offends me. Not because of how she looks, but because of how unhealthy her food is. Anyone knows by now that putting a stick of butter in everything is unhealthy. I find it offensive that she is encouraging people to cook terribly unhealthy, high fat food that will only lead them to a heart bypass! And hiding behind that "Southern" demeanor is no excuse!
I agree with you Diane.
Paula Dean is the one who really offends me. Not because of how she looks, but because of how unhealthy her food is. Anyone knows by now that putting a stick of butter in everything is unhealthy. I find it offensive that she is encouraging people to cook terribly unhealthy, high fat food that will only lead them to a heart bypass! And hiding behind that "Southern" demeanor is no excuse!
<<I sometimes wonder if she ever really EATS what she makes!>>

I certainly know she's not eating as much of it as I am, LOL! :)

I have a couple of her cookbooks, and the stuff in them is tasty.
<<I sometimes wonder if she ever really EATS what she makes!>>

I certainly know she's not eating as much of it as I am, LOL! :)

I have a couple of her cookbooks, and the stuff in them is tasty.
I think this thread is funny. I don't watch cooking shows either, mostly b/c I don't cook (I do what we singles call "re-heating"), but I've always been of the mindset that if anyone in the entertainment industry has the right to be overweight, it's the TV cooks. They have a right b/c they should be sampling everything they make!

Oh wait--there is one cooking show I watch (if you can call it that)--Top Chef. Normally not a reality TV person but I really do get a kick out of it. And I am always drooling by the end of the show. :9
I think this thread is funny. I don't watch cooking shows either, mostly b/c I don't cook (I do what we singles call "re-heating"), but I've always been of the mindset that if anyone in the entertainment industry has the right to be overweight, it's the TV cooks. They have a right b/c they should be sampling everything they make!

Oh wait--there is one cooking show I watch (if you can call it that)--Top Chef. Normally not a reality TV person but I really do get a kick out of it. And I am always drooling by the end of the show. :9
I like the way Rachael Ray looks, not bone thin but has enough meat on her bones to tell the world she eats what she cooks. Her recipes look healthy and eatable and "darn right purdy". Now if we could just get her a voice coach so I could watch an hour of her.

I like the way Rachael Ray looks, not bone thin but has enough meat on her bones to tell the world she eats what she cooks. Her recipes look healthy and eatable and "darn right purdy". Now if we could just get her a voice coach so I could watch an hour of her.

>I like the way Rachael Ray looks, not bone thin but has
>enough meat on her bones to tell the world she eats what she
>cooks. Her recipes look healthy and eatable and "darn right
>purdy". Now if we could just get her a voice coach so I could
>watch an hour of her.

EXACTLY, nails on a chalkboard.
Now Paula Deen is definitely the Denise Austin of cooking shows. I cannot stand that annoying beast! x(
>EXACTLY, nails on a chalkboard.

SATAN'S nails on a chalkboard that never ends!!! }(

I'm not a RR fan...:+
I do not know who Paul Deen is but Denise Austin makes me feel like I am a 5 year old who has just spelled my name correctly for the first time.

No one thus far has said anything about the male hosts who are on the portly side. Emeril has gained a lot of weight over the years, has anyone noticed that? And HE certainly likes to use butter and pork fat, which rules, as we all know!;-)

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