Physique Transformation

Down two pounds!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!! I'm so happy for you! You have a terrific attitude. And you ARE worth the effort.

Well, I don't get as many veggies as I'd like during Fatburning. I have 3 cups of lettuce salad every day, along with a bit of radish, some fresh spinach, and just a few slivers of carrot. I also have peppers, onions, and mushrooms almost every day. Green beans quite often. Peas only occasionally. I've given up some of my favorites for the time being, artichokes, for instance, but I know I'll get them back during maintenance and my next round of conditioning. In the meantime, I'm taking vitamins, and I use psyllium husks to increase my fiber intake without increasing my sugar. I figure that even now I'm getting more vegetables than most people I know. And to tell you the truth, some days, I just disregard the sugar score and eat my veggies anyway!

Shari, thanks for sharing your story. I have also been reading the posts on the yahoo group, and I think I'm seeing you there. Also, Tamikka I can totally relate to being excited but scared at the same time!!
I had started my conditioning today, but in thinking and getting advice I've decided to "re-do" my diet analysis phase over again first. I was personally in an over-eating rut and entered my foods as such. So, it turned out that my conditioning phase starts right out at around 2300 calories and only lasts 4+ weeks. Too high to start, and not long enough! So starting tomorrow I'll begin the diet analysis phase again, and try to just eat like I would on normal days when I'm not overeating.:)
Also, Deborah Fitness Goddess, thanks for telling me about the MUM check-in. I've been reading the old posts and they're full of helpful hints!
Take care,
How expensive will this be?

I was just wondering whether or not you had to buy a whole lot of specialty food to participate in this program? I am a poor graduate student, and probably can't afford to buy tons and tons of specialty foods. The idea of getting to eat a lot is appealing to me though. :)

Thanks for the info!

RE: How expensive will this be?

You don't need to buy any specialty food at all. I buy protein shakes, but it certainly isn't necessary, just more convenient, sometimes.
WOW! Tamikka, you look fab!

Thanks for sharing your hints on vegis on this thing. No one on the support board (when I was doing it) ate vegis. HOW BIZZARE! I griped about it once & was flamed big time. I think that was what really pushed me over the edge with them--they are sooooo cultish. DON'T QUESTION RIC OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!! LOL

Anyway, I'm still thinking of trying again when I finish WW. Just to get that muscle tone back. We'll see.

DEB--DON'T START OVER! Let the computer do it's thing for you. 4 weeks is plenty of time to do conditioning, you won't be sorry. Ric will tell you the system was designed to work just the way you did it.
RE: How expensive will this be?


When I was doing the program, I purchased my protein shakes from the Vitamin Shoppe locally. Ric's store is pretty expensive, so watch yourself there.

I did purchase 2 different kinds of shakes--one high protein & one lower. This way if I needed just a few more calories & added protein, I could do it without using the expensive Myoplex Lite (which is pretty good by the way). I spent about $35 every 5 or 6 weeks--I did the program for 8 weeks before quitting. STUPID STUPID STUPID!

You can go CRAZY with the stuff the Ric recommends but it isn't necessary to do the program.

Came back to say, that Ric & Bart make their money from the supplements they sell & the gym they run in Colorado. That's why they can offer the PFA for so little money. It was easy to disenroll--I never got billed after I stopped it.
RE: How expensive will this be?

Shari---I am wondering if your Cathe strength tapes were fine for the strength training during Conditioning? People on the yahoo group are mentioning a "Freestyle" book, and I am curious about it, but I can't imagine it could be necessary for people like us who have Cathe's awesome variety of weight workouts and are already educated in strength training thanks to Cathe. ANy thoughts? And if you did use Cathe's workouts, which worked best, or did you use them all in different rotations?
PT and Cathe

I'm staying with Cathe! In fact, I probably mention Cathe over there as often as I mention PT over here! In my book, Cathe is IT! Her workouts meet all my criteria: Cathe is a very motivating instructor, I can fit the videos into any time slot without leaving the house, and they will never be anything less than challenging due to the up/down modifications that are possible. I've had incredible results with Cathe. Unless I have a compelling reason to change, I'm sticking with what works!

I'm working through a S&H rotation right now. Then I'm going to alternate CTX Upper Body and Leaner Legs with Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, and MIS for several weeks. I really need to work on endurance, but I like to throw in a S&H rotation every once in a while so I don't lose the gains I've made in that area (and simply because I like it best). This S&H rotation, I'm focusing on the depth of my squats/lunges instead of using the heaviest possible weight, and I can really feel the difference.


I just visited your website! Wow! You look gorgeous! It's great to have a face to go with the name. And I'm so impressed by your story. You're incredible!

I can also see that your WW instructor taught you well. I don't think any of us who've done WW for long fail to appreciate the importance of fruits and veggies. We're gonna eat 'em, no matter what!

It's fun having "friends" to discuss these things with. Thanks!

Deborah/Fitness Goddess

Hi Deborah,

You know, I don't think I've ever thanked you. It was because of you that I first found out about this program. When you were doing it, you mentioned it here on the board, so I checked into it. I was a little (okay, a LOT) leary, at first, but desperate enough to try it. Anyway, it was because of you that I'm on my way again, that I'm finally losing weight.

RE: Deborah/Fitness Goddess

When you are on their program do you have to purchase their vitamin and protein suplements or do you have the option to continue using what you already use?


I just wanted to let you know that I have had a great time earning A/A+ days. At first, I was content and very excited to earn an A-/A. Now, I am only happy when I earn an A+ and will tweak my day until I earn it.

BTW, I have 2 fellow WWers starting the program and another that is contemplating the decision.

I truly hope that the program works for me so that they can see "real-life" results. I am happy being their guinea pig. :D

Thanks again,
RE: Update

Whoo hoo! I'm so glad to hear about your A+s! Like you, I was content for a while with the occasional A-, but no more. Those "grades" really help you get through the conditioning portion of the program, where nothing much is happening weight-wise. Let's face it. We need feedback. Keep me posted!

Your fellow guinea pig,

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