Physique Transformation Challenge

I'm sure there are a few people here that have been looking at this website ( & considering taking this on. I've started my analysis phase this weekend & will be starting my conditioning phase next week.

I wanted to let you know that if you are doing this program, I will be posting a new challenge on that I will call the PT Conditioning Phase Challenge. I will be using nothing but Cathe strength tapes for a 4 week (minimum) rotation. Look for the challenge to be posted later today or early tomorrow.
I just looked up this web site.It is crazy (once again) how many calories that they want you to eat.Just like the trend that got started about the new calorie chart that is out.Seems to be interesting though,but i don't think that I could live the rest of my life thinking about how much protein,carbs...etc I am getting everyday and trying to reach it's requirments.
It would be nice to try something different then just "clean eating" but it is almost to much info to consume.I am sure that it is a great book just the same.Are you thinking of doing the challenge?Let me know how it goes and maybe you could break it all down for my little brain:) :) :) :) and give me just the basics!! Just joking.
Good Luck if you decide to do it...
Hey Goddess!! I just checked out the site too, and it all looks very interesting...I have been having a real hard time with the quality of my diet lately. I did Body rx last year before the holidays, and it worked well, but then I hit a wall. It seems that I am stuck. I have a feeling that is all in what I am eating, my workouts are just getting better and better. Body rx made me reduce my cardio, and I do not know, but I kinda missed it, even though I would much rather lift than step...those 2 left feet....anyway, I am going to keep reading, and do the analysis....what do we have to lose...except maybe some inches huh?? I'll be looking for your challenge! Thanks for the great site and suggestion! Donna.
I'm trying it...

Thanks for the link to this site- I never heard of it. I signed up for it. I think it'll be a pain at first- entering the foods, trying to find the right food out of all the choices it lists, entering the amounts, etc. But it's probably easier once you get the hang of it.

I haven't reached the point where my diet has been analyzed (for those who haven't seen it, you enter your diet for 3 days into their software and then it analyzes it for you after the 3 days). But I think it's going to be complicated since it recommends how many grams of protein, carbs, fiber, vitamins, etc you need and apparantly your goal is to get very close to your recommended amounts. But like any healthy eating plan, it takes PLANNING. I like the daily email that outlines things for you. Today the goal is to drink 120 oz of water- almost a gallon.

Do you know if this program incorporates exercise- or is it just diet?

It'll be very interesting though!!
RE: I'm trying it...

Just a reminder to everyone that there are only 2 days left to join the Physique Transformation Conditioning Phase Challenge that Deborah aka Fitness Goddess has set up for us at .Signups won't be possible on Monday and thereafter.

The more the merrier!

RE: I'm trying it...


I'm sorry Imissed your post earlier! The program does recommend exercise. For the conditioning phase, you do ONLY strength training. NO CARDIO. For me it's 7 long weeks! But I'm going to do it with the help of some friends from here & the pfasupport group.

Hope you will join our challenge on
already messed up!

I signed up for the trial and the first month (I think $7.97) and already messed it up. The entering the food thing was frustrating. I understand that I needed to enter it so it could be analyzed. But you have to choose from a list of foods and sometimes there's no match for what I ate. It's just really time consuming. I wish I could enter the food right from the food label.

So I think I'll just try to keep the old paper and pencil food journal.

Has anyone else had luck with this program?
RE: already messed up!

I've been on the program for 3 weeks and, even though my calories are going up each week, I've lost 5 pounds. I guess my diet was really off! I've got 2 more weeks to go before I go into the fat burning phase.

You can enter your own foods from the labels by clicking the Recipe button at the top. You can enter a single food, using nutrition info on the label, or you can enter recipes of multiple ingredients--for example, I have oatmeal with sugar free maple syrup and almond milk every morning, so I've got that entered as "breakfast."

Once you enter each food item, you'll be able to re-use your entries for the commonly used items by using Fast Entry. It gets easier. Most of my days' menus are the same for the most part, with variations in the types of protein and veggies that I eat. Three weeks into the program, there are few times where I actually have to either search for a food item or enter a new one from the label.

I was doing strictly cardio until I started Physique Transformation. Now I'm using Cathe's strength training videos 5 mornings a week and am really LOVING it! I've been using the Pure Strength series, and have the Pyramid and Slow & Heavy DVDs on order.
RE: I'm trying it...

Bump for questions

Those of you who are doing this, how has it been? What rotations are you doing for strength? I'm too late to join the challenge on Fitnessvideofanatics, can I still view the plans?

Thanks for the feedback,

RE: I'm trying it...

Hi Audrey!

I must have been "away" from my computer when the other people posted their responses earlier this month. I didn't realize there were others doing this program that post here!

Anyway, unfortunately, the way the FitnessVideoFanatics board works, you won't be able to join the challenge. HOWEVER, you can go to the Public Rotations portion of the board & create a calendar with that rotation in it. It's called the Physique Transformation Conditioning Phase rotation.

As for how the physique transformation is going, I've been doing it for 3 weeks now. I'm one of those people that has chronically undereaten & overtrained with cardio. I've lost 3 lbs since beginning the program but I still have 3.5 weeks of conditioning left. My weight is up a little today (like .5 pound). I'm trying not to freak out because I'm still down 3 lbs since beginning.

That's the one draw back of this program. I have always tried to stay away from the scale & this program says "get on the scale EVERY morning before doing anything other than using the toilet." The trick is to begin looking at the scale as a tool, not the end of the world.

There is a great yahoo support group that will answer your questions if you want to think about it before jumping in. Go to & click on groups, then type in pfasupport. You will have to sign up, but that part is free. I will warn you. This group is TOUGH. They are all or nothing people. You either want the program to work, or you are a lazy sloth.

The program does take work, but once you get the hang of it, you spend less time planning your meals & more time eating. LOL

Try it. They don't ask for your credit card number until the 5 day trial is over. So, it really is risk free. You could do one day of practice, then start your analysis phase & find out how poorly you really eat in that time.

For the record, no I don't work for them. I'm just one of those people that if I really like something, or if it's working for me, I'm going to give you more information than you ever thoughtyou'd want to know.
RE: I'm trying it...


Thanks so much for your prompt response. It's nice to hear the feedback of someone in the midst of this. I've been on WW for 3 weeks and have gained. :( last time on WW, pounds just melted off, so I'm ready to look for something else. I signed up for the trial... wish I could bypass the tracking days cause I have a huge spreadsheet of what I've eaten for the past 21 days <g>.. I wouldn't mind typing it all in so their computer could evaluate me faster... I also get on the scale every morning first thing anyhow and log it into weight commander. The silly program does trends and while I can go up 2-3 #'s a day due to water, it's annoying to have the computer tell me I'm gaining... but it is useful to go back each month and spot trends. I have definite bloat/water cycles and knowing that in advance makes it easier to see it on the scale.

RE: already messed up!

I started the trial on Friday and 1/2 way thru realized that I was going to stick with this, so I've signed up for the month. For the same $$, we were even able to create another profile for my fiance`. Very reasonable. I shudder to think what it will tell me about my food, since WW points are on the lower side.

I was doing the Pyramid tapes 2x a week each, but thought I'd change for some endurance work as well. Anybody else on this that is using BC or ME? (Ok, I havent tried these yet and am itching to open the cases <g>). I was thinking of M - PUB, T - PLB, W- Yoga stretching, Th - BC, Friday yoga and Sa - ME. Sunday - Rest.

RE: already messed up!

You can't use Boot Camp during the conditioning phase as it will bring your heart rate up too high. That will make your fat burning phase of this program really difficult cardio wise.

What other tapes do you have? If you're just looking to do the Intensity Series, I would suggest

Mon -- PUB
Tues - ME
Wed -- Rest
Thur - PLB
Fri -- Yoga

Be ready to break into the BC case when you hit fat burning. It's a lot of fun!
RE: already messed up!

Thanks. I haven't done BC yet, and that is good info to know. I might try it this week, while I'm still in prep mode then <g>. I have all of Cathe's DVD's, so I could do MIS or PH instead of BC, no?

Also, I see you suggested ME right after PUB. Are the weights that much lighter in ME, not to rest the upperbody? I'd probably still need to a leave a day off for the upper body so I don't aggrevate my shoulders <sigh>.

RE: already messed up!

I think the weights are light enough in ME to go ahead & do it right after PUB. And definitely use MIS or PH instead of Power Hour.

If you have all of Cathe's tapes (isn't that fun! me, too!), join me for the Tank Top rotation I'm posting on I won't be doing the cardio yet. I have to wait until April 21 to start adding cardio back in.

Wait until you start eating & doing all this heavy strength training! You won't believe what it does for your body. I am just so amazed! Have you started drinking all that water? I lost 2 lbs right away & all because of the water. I didn't get it all in this weekend & don't you know the weight came back. I got it all in yesterday & this morning it's gone again. So, I know it's all water weight but either way, it's 2 lbs closer to goal. LOL
RE: already messed up!

When are you starting the tank top rotation? Sounds tempting..

Don't get me started on the water... LOL I did NOT sleep well last night cause I had the last 20 oz right before bedtime. And I'm being careful today.. I'm heading out to drive to a client.. so no water for the past 30 min. <g> Luckily they are only 30 min away. But it does do wonders. I signed up on Friday, and started Prep phase on Sat. Started on water on Friday, though I didn't quite get 120 oz, I got more than I was used to. And I'm down 2#'s so far, and I'm just in prep. On WW, I drank lots of water.. so I thought. LOL... this goes so far beyond.

Better fly or the client won't be too happy with me. Thanks again for such helpful advice. Nice to have another Cathe fan on this program to pester with questions <g>.

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