PH Plunge


Okay, guys, I've made it all the way through Power Hour twice in the last week. And guess what. You were all right. I'm starting to love it! For two main reasons:

1) It goes so fast there is no time to get bored and

2) I can work out all my muscle groups more than twice per week. I particularly love the whole shoulder routine, especially using the plate. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me over the months to give PH a try.

The weights I use on PH are so light, I don't need most of the dumbbells and plates I regularly use for PS, but this is a whole different kind of workout.

BTW, it is easily overcome, but has anyone noticed that Cathe never stretches inner thighs on PH? Perhaps this was just an oversight?

I think it is so funny when Cathe says if you're struggling on the lunges, you might want to use lighter weights, and I'm struggling, but not using any weights!! :)

Re, the inner thigh stretches. I didn't notice that, but I notice that she spends a lot of time on quad stretches, but there are NO hamstring stretches. I for one am always tighter in the hamstrings and appreciate giving them a good stretch.

If you like the shoulder work with the plate, I have a fun alternative (for when you've done the routine many, many times and are looking for some modifications) I use a 10# med ball for those lifts, while seated on a stability ball (I refer to it in my exercise log as "ball on ball"!).

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