PG without AF?


Did anyone become pg even though they were not having periods? I feel like maybe I am but haven't had a cycle since December.
I wasn't having periods for several months at a time too over 10 years - but it was due to a hormonal imbalance. When I wanted to have children, I went to the doctor about it and was diagnosed. I wasn't able to get pregnant without having a cycle and have never heard of anyone being able to get pregnant without one. If you don't have a cycle, I don't see how you could be ovulating?
you cannot get pregnant without having some sort of cycle with ovulation. that said, people can become pregnant without bleeding if the ovulate and the egg is fertilized prior to your period. that is rare, probably most common in nursing moms who get pregnant before they get their first period. i would definately recommend speaking with your dr about why you are not having periods. a hormonal imbalance is definately possible, but there are other reasons too.

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