personal trainer


Active Member
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me. For the past couple of years I have entertained the idea of becoming a personal trainer. I really love fitness and would like to help people, but I'm not sure what steps to take to become one. I have a Bachelor's degree in Art which doesn't help, and it's just not feasable(spelling?) for me to go back to school and get a second four year degree in Exercise Science. I went to the ACE fitness website which offers a home-study program to prepare for the certification exam. Since I have good study skills and find it easy to work on my own this sounds like the way to go. However, I'm wondering if this will be enough since it won't offer me any "hands-on" experience. Sorry this is becoming so long, I'm just not sure what to do! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-01 AT 03:59PM (Est)[/font][p]After you pass the exam, ACE has a program where you get your hands-on experience. I haven't looked into this a whole lot yet, but here's a link:

I wanted to become a personal trainer, but I just can't seem to get around to getting my CPR certification (my mom is a CPR instructor, but she lives in another state...) I also don't have $175 to pay for the exam (or $300 to pay for the practical training program!)
Have you checked into Community College programs? Many have fitness certification programs & the cost is minimal (at least in CA). You also get the benefit of networking with faculty & other students.

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