Personal Experiences w/ Increasing Protein Intake?

Lynn M.


I know that protein intake is a controversial issue these days, but there is so much varying information out there on how much is enough, particularly when you are weight training.

I would like to hear what you all have experienced personally when playing around with your protein intake? Alot of the fitness mags say 1 gm/1 lb of body weight/ day for maximum muscle development. In my world, that's alot of protein, esp trying to get it out of real food, not shakes or bars.

Have any of you noticed increase muscle gains when increasing protein?

I would be interested in hearing what you have experienced.

Thanks, Lynn
*My* experiences:

No danger of achieving, just shooting for, the 1 gram per pound/day

F**ting all day (Did I say that?!?!)

Yes, more muscle gain and seemingly less pain with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

Overall fewer calories consumed, yet variety of foods and satisfaction
I have a problem getting in that much protein. I weigh 150 & there is just no way I'm going to get that amount without supplements. I've taken to drinking a shake--I really like Myoplex lite. I'm still not "there" but getting closer.

I have noticed a reduction in DOMS & some strength gains in the last month, since starting with this. But that could be that I've also started really pushing myself. Bikini weather will be here before you know it! LOL
Yes, I've gone as high as 1.5g per pound of body weight and signficantly increased my lean muscle mass, strength and lost body fat, not pounds, but fat.
Hi all-

Thanks for the replies.. I didn't know that it would help w/ DOMS.. That's a bonus!!

I do like to lift pretty heavy.. I think I am going to try increasing protein for a bit and see what happens.

take care,
For those of you who had good results with this, what was the percentage of protein you ate as compared with carbs and fat?

If I ate 1.5g of protein per body weight pound, I also tried to hit 60g of fiber(carbs) and I limited my intake of 'starchy' carbs to no more than 100g per day.
Connie - You are soooo right!!

I've been trying to get as much protein as I can in a day. I try to do @ 100gm/day. But it's hard- I have to supplement with shakes and bars (1 per day). Also, I've been taking Metamucil if I do not get the adequate amount of fiber.

I have seen a small reduction in weight, increased strength and less cravings. I still allow myself a sweet during the day but it's better than I was doing.

Anyone else get the gas?? I have never been gassy in my life and this is driving me crazy!! I even considered mylicon!

I'm definately glad, though, that I increased my protein and do *feel* healthier with this diet!


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