Periomenopause-insomnia update


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-02 AT 11:51AM (Est)[/font][p]I've made an amazing discovery. I've found that if I greatly increase my soy intake, I can reduce the level of sleeplessness I experience the week before TTOTM. I was using valerian root, it helped, but earlier this week I noticed I was waking up at 3:00 AM, after not eating my soy foods, love that "soy effect".

My general intake is like this: Kashi Go Lean cereal with soy milk, two glasses of soy milk during the day, one Dr. Soy protein bar, and a snack of Soy Crisps (kinda like rice cakes with soy).

My teenagers all roll their eyes :-rollen when I start singing "I've got the soy, soy, soy down in my heart, Where? Down in my heart . . .

Hope I can help someone else.


Woops! Spelled "Perimenopause" wrong, just too excited I guess.
I'm glad you solved the problem, but I have read that too much soy can depress your thyroid function. :( Maybe someone else can give you more information. Did you try melatonin?
Yes, my sister just told me that it has some type of plant estrogen in it. Too much may not be a good idea according to some "experts", but gosh, I hope all the women in Japan know this.

I got the melatonin, and I took it with valerian root one night, and I was really drowsy the next day. Shouldn't have done that. But I'm too chicken to experiment very much, because sleeping only 3 hours is just so devastating to me the next day.

I think will try again, when my hormone levels have mellowed out.

Just melatonin does the job for you though?

What a trip!

I tried Melatonin and it made my insomnia way worse for some dumb reason :-wow I didn't have any luck with much of anything except Soy and Progesterone cream. I drink a soy shake of the morning and take 2 soy capsules at night b4 bed. Hot flashes and insomina BYE BYE for me.

Soy has weak estrogenic effects yes, but I say it's a heck of a lot safer than the hormone replacement therapy pills my DR tried to push off on me that are "loaded" with estrogen.

that's my 2cents worth on it.

I agree. Soy is great, and I've heard soy in its natural form (milks, tofu, tempeh, TVP, etc.) are ok, but the soy isolates in pills can cause thyroid problems if taken in large quantities. I'd rather do that than take PREgnant MAres uRINe though. For my health and that of the horses.

Yes, melatonin is all I need. I take 1 mg before bed and keep a pill on top of my alarm clock in case I wake up at 2 or 3 and can't get back to sleep, I just nibble off the tiniest bit I can nibble.

I am only 45 though, so things may get worse (I'm taking that to the bank :))
I started taking that Revival Soy stuff about 2 weeks ago. It only took two days for me to start sleeping all night again. Great stuff.
I think we'll be fine with our soy products to help us thru all this. It's just gotta be healthier to do it this way than taking horse pee pills!!! Don't ya think?

Edith ;-)
You are SO right about that, Edith. I didn't know that's what it was. Funny the drug ads never come out with those little tidbits.

Mogambo, took one last night, no valerian, and I must say it did the trick quite nicely. I did wake up but fell asleep again within 15 minutes. Seems like it put me to sleep faster too.

Life is a completely different experience when you get 7-8 hours of sleep.

Thanks all,

Clare: Premarin. (I had no idea till I read this thread!)

I guess I'm starting down menopause lane too, 'cause I got a "bonus" period this month.

The nurse practitioner I saw told me I'm normal (also, blood tests came back OK) but I haven't experienced sleeplessness yet. Au contraire mon ami. I force myself to get up (at 4:27 a.m.) to do Cathe! And I'm more than ready for the sack at 9 p.m.

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