No workout today. I got up and got showered and ready so that I could get the children started on school and then go vote. I left at 9 and it took 55 minutes from the time I left the house till I left the parking lot to come home, so not bad. I forgot my cell phone though and was thinking about getting out of line and going home to get it, but since I have been here to vote many times, I estimated the distancing and how long the line was and figured maybe an hour so I was close. I just figured they would have to wake my husband if something came up. They were both on media just like when I left when I arrived home.
I made my chicken curry soup in the instant Pot this afternoon. My granddaughter loves this one and I do to. It is a bit more time consuming with dicing and chopping onions, garlic, ginger and chopped kale, but yummy. I will get a workout in tomorrow. The school work is pretty much caught up. We are just doing extra work that does not need turned in till Thursday. I think since power was out so long they need to get things put up on the links and working. No video lessons of the teacher teaching the math.
Deb, it would be nice to find a natural way to get some sleep. I keep trying to come up with something. When it gets below 5 hours it is hard to function. I make soups and stews all of the time. Now I do it in the Instant Pot. I made stew last week for my husband that is meat and potatoes. I need to remember what I used in it because he came back for seconds which surprised me when I saw it was gone the next morning.
Valerie, it does help if I can get to bed earlier so I can allow for all of the awake times. Last night I had to make 3 trips to the bathroom and put another dry mouth lozenge or some gel in my mouth after getting a drink once every 1-2 hours and trying to get rid of the dry itchy coughing, but I would fall back to sleep. Once it gets light, no matter what time I go to bed, I am generally wide awake and there is no going back to sleep. Speaking of time, I need to go to bed now. I drink decaf most of the time, but do allow one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning. I was reading a rundown on how long it takes a certain amount of caffeine to run through the system and variables that make it stay even longer. I wish I could drink more caffeinated as the flavor is better than decaf, particularly if I want it flavored.
Carolyn, nice calorie burn for the Perfect 30 upper with extended stretch and bonus core. I need to check out the differences in the Flow Core and the bonus core as I saw a mix on the yoga that added bonus core in place of the yoga flow core. I had an appointment for the arthritis center tomorrow and changed it. They made it for the same time December. I just did not feel like two outings leaving the grandchildren this week. The arthritis center is not around the corner.
Cathy, nice work today. The bonus workouts on Perfect 30 are short. I kind of like the pyramid cardio step bonus with a bit of modifying for the knees. It is good when our older kids feel they can talk and share things. It makes a difference. Funny, more than you need to know