Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/09/2024

Yesterday I did P30 Low Impact Hiit, LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body and Mat Yoga. Today I did a MMA mix I put together. I need to change the stretch at the end though. Oh, and fun fact, if you have the 10lb plates from Cathe's barbell on your bar, but left the clips off because you weren't sure what the first exercise with the bar needed, then forget the clips aren't there, pick up the bar and spin around, they do fly off-fortunately no animals or TV's were harmed during this exhibition. :D

Judy great job with the rowing and arms workout.

Diane Sue great job with Total Body Barbell Upper Body Only mix, yoga, CDorner Aerobics & abs 90's music hi or lo and mobility, Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body +extended stretch.

Valerie great job with the hike and ride. Glad your toe is doing better. Safe travels to Montana.

Hi Carolyn.
Today I did 20 minutes of yoga.

Judy, thanks for starting the thread this week.

Valerie, have a safe trip.

Diane Sue, nice job with P30 Upper Body + Extended Stretch.

Cathy, great job with P30 Low Impact HiiT, Stacked Sets Lower Body, Mat Yoga, and your MMA mix workout.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
this morning I did an IMAX workout I created, then LITE Stacked Sets Upper Body and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. Looks like I'm going to my sisters in NC mid-July. She and her husband are driving up, then he's going to go on to Manitoba to deal with some family stuff, and we're going to drive back to her place in NC. My gas is cheaper than her flying. LOL

Carolyn great job with the yoga.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets, a timesaver with no rounds 3 or 5. That was 46 minutes and 151 calories burned, average heart rate 107, and maximum heart rate 139.

Cathy, nice job with your IMAX workout, LiTE Stacked Sets Upper Body, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. It’s nice that you are going to drive your sister back to NC.

Hello to Judy, Diane Sue, and Valerie.
I worked Saturday and got quite a lot of exercise in there. Yesterday I did Live #498, PHA Pump & Burn Express. I loved this workout and will definitely add it into my rotation of PHA workouts. Today I did 40 minutes of Peloton rides, a 20 minute endurance row and a 45 minute Yin Yoga class.

Cathy-Great job with P30 Low Impact Hiit, LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body, Mat Yoga, your MMA mix, your IMAX workout and LITE Stacked Sets Upper Body with STS 2 Total Body Stretch.

Carolyn-Great job with your yoga and Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets.

Hi to Diane Sue & Valerie
got to mt ok after a 11 hr drive. not a bad drive, partly cloudy with showers. easier than hot direct sun. going to do therapy today and at least part of an upper body workout. could not sleep last night so I'm really tired.
Today I did Cathe's Killer Legs, 42 minutes, 157 calories, heart rate 113/152. I then did Raw String Along Abs, 15 minutes, heart rate 106/141, 53 calories and Raw Yoga Stretch 14 minutes, 28 calories. Total time was 71 minutes, 238 calories. I have my ladies group gathering to go to tomorrow so will probably not work out. Sunday was my rest day. My granddaughters husband cleared a lot of stuff out of my computer and got rid of McAffee. It works so much better and faster. I need to try and get some painting done for my granddaughter today. Backgrounds have dried enough to start moving to the foreground painting without muddying up the colors. I need to purchase oils that are faster drying. I only managed to get one color like that because it seems oils are kind of hard to find. Hobby Lobby only had a tiny section of oil paints. It was all acrylics which for me dries way to fast. I can't leave something unfinished and come back to it. There are methods, though and I have been looking into books that go through ways to help keep the paint from drying out while working with it.

Cathy, nice job today on the IMAX workout that you created, LITE Stacked Sets Upper Body, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. You will probably have a nice time visiting with your sister while driving her back to NC.

Carolyn, nice work on Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets Timesaver today and yesterday's yoga.

Judy, yesterday's Live #498 PHA Pump & Burn Express and today's 40 minutes of Peloton rides, a 20 minute endurance row, and a 45 minute Yin Yoga class.

Valerie, I think all of that travel time would be tiring. Glad you made it to your destination okay.
Rough night, so I just did the Bonus Barre from Killer Legs.

Carolyn great job with Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets timesaver.

Valerie I'm glad you made it to Montana okay.

Diane Sue great job with Cathe's Killer Legs, abs and yoga. That's nice that your granddaughters husband got your computer working better. My current thing is going through and deleting emails. I've got two of my categories under control, but still have over 300 in my main one. Unsubscribing to things I never ended up reading as I go.
Today I did JS 30 Minute Fat Blaster for 30 minutes and 184 calories burned. Average heart rate was 125 and maximum heart rate was 153. My husband had a medical appointment this morning and I was a bit rushed. He has another appointment this week and I’m trying to rearrange my workouts based on the time that I have available.

Judy, great job with Live PHA Pump and Burn Express, Peloton rides, endurance row, and Yin Yoga.

Valerie, I’m glad that you made it to Montana without problems.

Diane Sue, that’s great that your granddaughter’s husband was able to fix your laptop. Nice job with Killer Legs, Raw String Along Abs, and Raw Yoga Stretch.

Cathy, nice job doing Killer Legs Bonus Barre after you had a bad night.
we did a mountain bike today 2 hrs and 45 minutes. it was uphill for 3 miles in the sun. it was early but we just about fried. air temp was not that bad but the sun at 7000 feet in the open is brutal. back down took about 30 min. saw 2 moose swim across the yellowstone river on the way to the trail. river was crazy flooding and it was like they were in a swimming pool lane.

diane sue did you get another virus protection program? we use norton. they all slow things down but getting hacked would be wretched.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one for 26 minutes and 170 calories burned. Average heart rate 128 and maximum heart rate 147. I had my virtual WW meeting after that.

Valerie, great job with the mountain biking. It sounds beautiful there in Montana.

Hello to Judy, Diane Sue, and Cathy.
the moose were so cool to see.... and swimming like they were in a lane in this very actively flooding river. they were far away but swimming from the less populated side of the river to the highway side. they landed at a brushy section and when we drove the same stretch of road later there was no sign of them. this was not in the wilderness at all, but in a very populated area. moose are so big but are exttremely easy to not see even when right in front of you.

did a hike today 3 hours. my toe is better but now my knee is gettign worse. always something!
montana is lovely in many ways but its not perfect. it is not like that idiotic TV progam.
Today I did CDorner Kickboxing Cardio, 31 minutes, 156 calories, heart rate 134/165, 4,307 steps. My Garmin decided it was time for an update right when I was finished with this. I let it do it while I set up for the next workout. I did Total Body Barbell Upper Body only, 40 minutes, 113 calories, heart rate 99/130. I finished with CDorner Day 24 Upper Back and Neck and added some lower body stretches, 19 minutes, 38 calories. Total time was 90 minutes, 307 calories, 4,852 steps.
I just kept with Cathe's weights, and everything is the same as last time. The only difference is I switched to iron barbell plates and was wondering why it seemed like I was working harder and realized the iron plates are heavier than those plastic-coated plates that come with the barbell.

Valerie, I had PC Matic already on my computer. I think the updates and putting in Windows 11 threw McAfee back on. I probably never removed it myself. I had several things that had came with updates that should not have been on there like One Launch. I remember when it was driving me nuts and somehow I stopped it from popping up on my home screen. Anyway, it is moving so much faster now. I kept getting notifications that things were not responding before this. He did say with my system I would have been better off if it stayed Windows 10, but it did download 11 home version. My computer is 5 years old and the hinge is cracked on one side so I am going to have to replace it sooner than I wanted to. I would never do without an antivirus program for sure.

I need to stop here. I want to paint in tree trunks onto my painting and a few details before the paint dries. I also need to go to bed, but I guess it will be a while.
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This morning I did Fit Tower Total Body. Haven't done that one in years and forgot how thorough it is! So, when Derek was up in Marquette last week this happened:
They wanted to do it before she leaves in August to move back to her Mom's, and he's low in the ranks at work, so had already been told don't ask for time off in July.

Valerie great job with the hike. Glad that your toe is better, but sorry about the knee.

Diane Sue, glad your computer issues got resolved. My Dad's stuff is all messed up, but my ability to help is limited because I'm an Apple girl from back in the mid-80's and PC's might as well be in Greek to me. Told my sister that's her job when she's home. Great job with CDorner Kickboxing Cardio, Total Body Barbell Upper Body and stretching.
This morning I did Push and Pull (Body Blast series), which was 52 minutes and 169 calories burned. My average heart rate was 108 and maximum heart rate was 139.

Cathy, how wonderfully romantic! Did you know his plans in advance? Great job with Fit Tower Total Body.

Valerie, great job with 3 hour hike. I’m sorry that your knee is hurting now. You’re right, there’s always something.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Kickboxing Cardio, Total Body Barbell Upper Body, and CDorner stretch.

Hello to Judy.
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went mt biking again this morning and finally took a spill. a rocky road that was not accessible for several yrs after the big floods of 2-3 yrs ago. not a bad crash at all but I was always nervous I would dislodge my inner framework. but I didnt. I've fallen a lot over the years and am pretty decent at hitting the ground and rolling rather than 'flailing" when I feel myself going down. I will get a couple bruises but I rode a good distance after that. anyway 1300 feet gain and about 7.5 miles RT. 2 hrs 45 min. as usual uphill, and then downhill.

diane sue I was hoping you were not without virus protection. two ant viral programs will fight against each other. we have 3 desktops that will all need replacing because they wont upgrade to 11. they are closer to 7-8 yrs old.

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