Today I did Raw-30 minute Box and Sculpt 29 minutes, 151 calories, heart rate `30/165, 1,125 steps. I then did Raw Slim Sculpt 23 minutes, 133 calories, 134/151, 1,175 steps. I finished with CDorner Day 10 morning spinal mobility, 18 minutes, 35 calories. Total time was 70 minutes, 319 calories, 2300 steps. I keep watching for Kelly's new workouts. I saw on Instagram that they were shipped out 5 days ago.
I think with coffee it depends more on how fresh they are as to taste. Dark and burnt are two different things. Sometimes they over roast and the oils escape the beans. I always buy whole bean coffee. I purchased a hand grinder that I can grind expresso from when I want it decaf. I am not taking the beans out of my expresso machine grinder. I like it pretty strong so usually do a double expresso and add a little water. I like cream or barista oatmilk in it, but no sugar or sweeteners. I just purchased some from Whole Foods that is from an Oklahoma coffee house and the beans are roasted in Oklahoma CIty. My bags were dated as roasted Jan 29. One is a dark roast and the other a light roast and both are excellent. I tend to drink more of it in a day when it is really good. If it is just so so I drink about half as much. Years ago I would go to Starbucks a dark chocolate expresso. They quit making it. Once I went to Target and got a coffee and they ruined my taste for it. It was one of those creamy concoctions, and the woman kept messing with it and then said they must not have cleaned the machine the night before and dumped it. She refilled the same cup she had put it in and gave it to me. I couldn't drink it after her saying the machine was not clean.
I need to get to bed. I am working on getting there earlier. I had to go out twice today and getting things done after a busy last week.