Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/15/24

Good morning again. I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga today for 18 minutes.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Step and Strike, Pyramid Pump Triceps and Biceps, and Flow with Mira Back Pain Relief.

Waving hello to Judy, Cathy, and Valerie. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Today was a rest day from exercise. I did 45 minutes of Yin Yoga after work.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga.

Hi to Diane Sue, Cathy and Valerie
Today is a rest day and family time. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get a workout in. My husband and I need to run a couple of errands before he goes to work and I will be preparing for hosting game day on Tuesday.
Today I did Cardio Party, 39 minutes and 271 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 163. I had forgotten to renew my car tags and ran out to do that after my workout. Fortunately that didn’t take long.

Hello to everyone and I hope that you are having a wonderful day.
been preoccupied with my oral surgery tomorrow. I know I will be "out" and not aware of anything. its really not a big deal, and I know that, but I have nightmares and terrors, anxiety attacks etc a lot. completely out of proportion to reality. my brain knows this but I still react this way. back surgery was less traumatic for me! I have not needed much dental work before so it doesnt feel like "business as usual" at all.
Anyway, I did elliptical and therapy saturday, therapy only on sunday, and today we did a hike, not long but a short steep one for 2 hours.

ETA yesterday afternoon while gassing up my car there was a pop in my jaw and sudden intense pain and a terrible bitter taste. there must have been an abscess and it opened. A lot of pain for about 6 hours and then it toned down to almost nothing so I slept ok. cant wait to get this mess over with. that was likely the reason I could not get numb, infection can interfere. sorry for all the drama but I am such a wimp about dental things.
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Today I did Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, 41 minutes, (actual 31 minutes), 101 calories, heart rate 93/118. I did not push with this, I lightened up from my usual weights. I also did Flow with Mira, Chest stretching} neck and shoulder relief, 28 minutes with a couple of added stretches, 38 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 139 calories. I host ladies get together tomorrow, so it depends on how early I drag myself out of bed if I do a workout.
Didn't realize I never posted Sunday. LOL I did Bun Burners Barre and Ball. Yesterday, Aliah and I went to the zoo. I wanted to do something early, but NEITHER of our wifis would stream, so I gave up. This morning I did IMAX 3 step combos and then P30 Upper Body. She really just kills me with how heavy she lifts in that one for so many things. Tomorrow I'm doing the zoo and going to my parents as I have to drive my Dad to an appointment. Derek and Aliah will be heading to Detroit to catch their flight to Denver.

Diane Sue great job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, and stretching.

Carolyn great job with yoga and Cardio Party.

Valerie I truly get the dental wimp thing. I swear if I move away from here, I'm driving back for dental work because I really like my dentist and he understands my issues, as do the hygienists there. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly. My sister takes drugs before dental work now, but I react so strongly to medication that I'm too leery to try that route.

Judy great job with yoga.
Today I did STS 2 Upper Body 2 timesaver. My time was 51 minutes with 120 calories burned. Average heart rate was 202 and maximum heart rate was 131.

Valerie, I totally understand your dread of the dental work. I hope that it goes well today.

Diane Sue, nice job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body and Flow with Mira.

Cathy, nice job with Bun Burners Barre and Ball, IMAX 3 combos, and P 30 Upper Body.

Hello to Judy.
I'm back. all went well. tooth is out, procedure took less than an hour. I remember nothing. its barely bleeding. I am supposed to take it easy for a week so I will see how I feel but likely just easy stuff without a lot of hard work. icing it. will be eating very carefully. last night I had scrambled eggs and applesauce, not favorites but could slide things by with minimal chewing. on antibiotics and watching for GI issues but usually immune to those side effects. my dentist has frozen me before without issues but not this corner.
thanks for not making me feel wimpier than I already do.
Things are getting back to normal here after our family visiting last week. I have an appointment to get my flu shot tomorrow and a hair appointment Thursday. I’ll be working the weekend then will be off until Thursday. Yesterday I did 45 minutes of endurance rowing and 45 minutes of scenic (easy) Peloton rides.

Carolyn-Great job with Cardio Party and STS 2 Upper Body 2 timesaver. We did a 2-year renewal for our tags last year, it was the first year we’ve done that.

Valerie-I’m glad your dental work went well. I completely understand being a wimp about dental things. I’ve had several dental issues in the past couple of years and they caused a lot of pain and anxiety.

Diane Sue-I hope you had a good rest day. Great job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body and Flow with Mira.

Cathy-Great job with Bun Burners Barre and Ball, IMAX 3 step combos and P30 Upper Body.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout two. That was 29 minutes and 209 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 163. Workout two is more intense thane one.

Valerie, I’m glad that your procedure went well.

Judy, great job with rowing and the Peloton ride.

Hello to Diane Sue and Cathy.

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