Pentagenarians & Beyond: 10/20/2024

This morning I just did Live Plate Weight Abs. They were coming to put the dryer in, and I wanted to be available in case we had to move more stuff. And in the world where last week we replaced the water heater and Nick's car got a new battery and radiator and a few smaller things done, when they went to unhook the old washer they discovered a corroded valve that needs to be replaced first, so they left the new one in the garage and we have to get a plumber out to fix it. The fun just never stops. Now I'm thinking with the plumber coming and them coming back, I'm just going to leave the little two shelf thing I have on the dryer to hold all the supplies where I stashed them. No sense putting them back when we won't be using them until it's all done. And if that doesn't happen before Wednesday, I'll be taking laundry to my parents again.

Carolyn, Derek has been very philosophical about the job. The person they hired has more experience, they really need that in a couple areas, and he was really unhappy with the pay, as it truly is bottom rung for zookeepers. He's already applied to more than 6 places and will be checking every day for more openings. And he's actually enjoying the search. He has 6 weeks till he's done since she extended him.

Valerie I think the little Roku I have for working out is only 24" and it works fine for me, and it was on sale for $100, I didn't want to spend much. Great job with the spin, therapy exercises, and biceps/triceps premix.
This morning I did my usual yoga/mobility which was 20 minutes.

Cathy, great job with Live Plate Weight Abs. I feel your pain with the ongoing home issues. We are experiencing similar problems.

Valerie, I hope that you get the sound on your new television set to your liking. I’m not a big movie person but I haven’t seen many that interest me. They don’t seem to be very good to me.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
we tried 3 movies last night from Hulu. I refuse to sit for 2 hours if no good. we gave each a short trial. all three were terrible. we will drop hulu subscription unless there are some series to watch. even the review sites are unreliable. rotten tomatoes, metacritic, etc. I dont expect every movie to be 5 stars but wow, terrible stuff!. not "fair" to stop after 15 minutes but not Im investing 2 hours in junk. I know not everyone likes the same thing but we dont spent all day on TV. usually 2 hours in the evening watching something. we dont watch during the day. I wont watch commercials. If we can block or skip them, maybe, but will not do it. Ill pay more to avoid them or drop the service.

I did a 30 min spin yesterday and a shortened stretch of therapy.

cathy we have little tvs in our exercise rooms that are 30 inches. sound quality is not so important. for a movie or series I want to understand the dialogue. the new TV, nope. the same thing I could understand the day before is very hard on the new set. we usually run subtitles anyway. I dont want to read all the dialogue, just odd words I miss. british and irish products are like that. we're watching one that is japanese, korean and english.
DH has just reported he has figured out how to route the new TV thru our old sound system/DVD. hopeful.... it seems to work.

ETA... Yes! DH figured out how to run this new system sound thru our old sound system. It sounds very good now! 100x better than the plain TV itself. even the plain TV news channels are way better. I dont know the word to describe it, but the sound has depth and is understandable now. I am an idiot about TV hookups but seems it runs through our DVD player that is very old but has the suitable connections. it may not last. we just had a similar very old DVD player in our exercise room stop working. the new one works fine there but its a much simpler hook up. .
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Good morning, ladies. Thank you all so much for sharing your thoughts about aging and exercise with me. I agree with your overall message that we need to listen to our bodies and adjust as needed. It sure is nice to hear that, when it seems that a lot of the fitness world says we should keep pushing harder. I know that's not going to do me any good, for sure.

Take for instance the book "Next Level" by Stacy T. Sims, Ph.D. True, it's written for highly competitive athletes who have reached menopause, but it seems to be a prevalent message. She advocates for "lifting heavy sh*t" and to do "hard, sharp" HIIT cardio. I've never had any desire to lift as heavy as she suggests, so I'm not going to start now, LOL. And quite frankly, I just prefer longer cardio. It's fun.

I spent some time over the weekend working out a new exercise schedule and thinking through some possible new directions. Fingers crossed that it'll all work out. :)

Thanks for letting me join your thread for a few days. Best wishes, and happy, healthy aging to all of you!
This morning I did Live Boxing Hiit Express and STS Disk 8 Back and Triceps. Well the plumber can't come till Thursday so, I'll be adding K'zoo for laundry to my zoo walk again Wednesday and then Friday Derek and I are going to the zoo in South Bend, so I'll be shuffling workouts around. It's the last week the zoo will be open for me to walk though, and South Bend is most likely my last zoo trip of season. So, I'll mostly be home except for my shopping day. And yes, I'll be wearing shorts, with a tank under a T-shirt today because even though it's October 21, in Michigan, it's going to be almost 80. It's a great temp though compared to summer because it won't have the humidity with it.

Carolyn great job with the yoga/mobility. Hopefully both of our home issues come to an end.

Valerie great job with the spin and therapy work. That's great that your DH got the sound figured out. I'm the tech person in our house and my knowledge isn't very great.

Shannon it's so important to listen to your body and know when you can push and when you can't. Because I workout at home, I'm limited on how much weight I can lift, and I've never desired to get into body building. I'm limited mostly by my size. I use my Fit Tower with my bench for things like barbell chest presses, and I'm far less limited for upper body and can usually figure out some way to lift what I need to lift for a given exercise. Lower body I use my Fit Tower with the bar on the highest setting, which since I'm short is only about an inch off from my shoulder height, and I can easily lift the bar on and off. I can only safely get a 35lb and maybe 40 lb bar over my head, but I can do another 30+ lbs using the tower rack. Come back to the thread anytime.

Hi Judy and Diane Sue.
Today I did KCM’s Power Splits, workout two (lower body). That was 35 minutes and 192 calories burned. My average heart rate was 122 and maximum heart rate was 142. We had to go out this morning so the shorter workout was exactly what I needed.

Shannon, good luck with your fitness journey. I think we are always changing and adjusting our workouts to suit our needs.

Cathy, great job with Live Boxing HiiT Express and STS disc Back and Triceps.

Valerie, great job with the 30 minute spin and therapy exercises. I’m glad that your husband was able to get the sound set up on your new television.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Well all is not perfect as its a little tricky to turn on all the components apparently. lots of swearing but finally ok. still some TV wrinkles.
I had my pre surgery vision check today with the measurements taken. I understand better the lens selection. I am upgrading from the standard medicare paid lens. likely can get rid of glasses and contacts for good now with maybe some reading glasses for close work but maybe not. am I the first and only one in the group here for this? Ive been told for years I have some cataract formation but it's not the same for everyone. I've not had significant issues so this is somewhat about timing. the process is strung out . unless you have significant difference between eyes or some other reason, the eyes are done one at a time with waiting in between. with holidays and check back appt, it stretches out over quite a few weeks. I thought this was better than messing up a whole summer. I have a little down time following surgery but I think I can do most things Im used to doing.

shannon stop back any time. new voices are always good.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash up 46 minutes 254 calories, heart rate 142/177, 4,832 steps. I followed this with Flow with Myra chest/shoulders. I was hoping this with help my rib pain as it keeps waking me up at night. This was 21 minutes, 23 calories. Total time was 57 minutes, 277 calories. I rested this weekend and had a lovely time with my grandchildren and family.
Today I did 4 DS KB warmup, Lower Body only, then Muscle Meltdown Triceps. I also did 35 minutes of light rowing. I thought that doing a shorter lower body workout might help with my knee, just to keep things loose and moving. Over all it feels a little better so it’s probably good that I took it easier last week.

Cathy-Great job with Live Plate Weight Abs. We’ve had a lot of things going on here too, with needing new appliances and our bath remodel last spring. We still need new carpet and some painting done. We need to redo our kitchen and we’ll probably need a new washer and dryer again soon. It just never ends.

Carolyn-Great job with yoga/mobility and KCM’s Power Splits, workout two.

Valerie-Great job with your 30 min spin and therapy work. My eye doctor first told me I was developing cataracts 2 years ago. She says she thinks I won’t need surgery until I’m closer to 70.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Cardio Mash up and Flow with Myra chest/shoulders. I’m glad you had a nice time with your family.

Best wishes to you Shannon!

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