Pear shaped fit member


I would love to see a pear-shaped woman who is super fit in these workouts. All the women you use have those nice slim hips that we all would love but unless we have our hip bones removed, it won't happen. I would love to see a pear shape looking really fit and hot, someone that would give those of us who are hip heavy someone to whom we can aspire. Thank you.
Tall pear-shape chick
Hi Tallchick:

I don't know if Cedie is pear shaped but she appears to be heavier or more developed then all the other girls. I am pear shaped as well, and even though I know I will never be as slim as Cathe & Crew, they still motivate me. But I know what you mean, it would be nice to see the everyday woman, like us. It would be great if Cathe would choose everyday women, maybe from one of the road trips, for certain segments of her workouts and feature them on her videos. We can only hope!:7 Dee

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