Peak Performance Yoga

>Here's some wishful thinking: I'm still
>envisioning myself being able to twist into some of those
>poses like Shiva!

Oh, man, ain't it the truth? :) She is just sooo graceful it's unbelievable...somehow I don't think I'll be achieving a lot of that, though!'s a question for you...can you do the full wheel, or upward bow yet? I don't think I'll EVER be able to do that! My son (and even my hubby who definitely doesn't do yoga) can do it with no problem...I'm great with arms just get completely stuck when trying to push up! I'm soooo jealous of anyone who can do it! lol
>here's a question for you...can you do the full wheel, or upward bow yet?

TerryMia, um, sure I my dreams! You definitely won't be jealous of me---I'd have to glue a stack of yoga bricks together and then lay backwards over them like a bridge over water, lol! Wow, I can't believe that your son and hubby can do it with no problem---I am so jealous. Until then, a girl can dream, can't she? (man, this is gonna be one long dream!)

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