Amy, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience w/ Paxil, and I know it's the the right med for everyone, but I have to disagree w/ your opinion that if the choice were 'Paxil or suicide, I'd choose suicide.' I was on Paxil for two years, it worked very well for me. I was on a lower dose (20mg/day) and yes, when I stopped I had to taper for several weeks. I gained a total of 15 pounds the whole two years I was taking it, but at the same time I know I was eating whatever I wanted and not exercising at all. However, taking Paxil was the saving grace for me. It worked for me. I weaned off Paxil w/ the support and advice of my nurse practitioner and it was all fine. I think that Randi and her Dr. and therapist can determine if Paxil is right for her. If it's not, they'll try another med. The important thing is to be aware and proactive. She's tried another med already, her Dr. is recommending she try Paxil. I think at this time it's important to listen both to her healthcare professional, and herself, but not necessarily to scare stories.