

My doctor just prescribed this to me today because i was taking Zoloft and it wasnt helping me. Is anyone else on this? Just curious on how effective it is and does it cause weight gain?
Hey Randi,
Nice talking to you again. Anyway my mom takes zoloft. she says it controls her moods or something. We have a BIG family history and BIG history overall w/ a lot of different things and my Mom gets stressed VERY easily so her docotr proscribed this. I don't think it causes wieght gain. Accually my mom just got of siadica (hope I spelled it right) nerve problem in her leg and lost her muscle tone and gained a few pounds. Well anyway that whole time period she was on it and then went back to the gym and lost 12 pounds, all the weight the gained:7. But I assume you don't have this problem so I think you'll be ok. But I really suggest talking to a doctor because obviously I'm not one, and they could give you a lot better info.


Hi Adri,
WHen I was on zoloft i never gained weight. I just stopped taking it because it stopped working for me. I needed somthing to help my depression and anxiety. (which really sucks cause no one in my family has this problem). Anyways the doc put me on Paxil and i just wanted some info on if it's worked for anyone.
Thank you:)
No problem;-) It works for my Mom really well, but soemtimes causes her to not get good sleep. Thats the only side affect my Moms expirenced and shes been on it for about 6 months.

LOL tahts funny. Were just talking about depression and pills and a commercial comes on about Cimbolta (think thats how you spell it) and its all about treating the two parts of depression: norapennefren (probally spelled wrong) and the other name I don't even DARE try to spell}(. Anyway maybe ask your doc about Cimbolta. Just a thought:)

Good Luck,


I hope you are seeing a therapist also to monitor your condition. My daughter was on paxil and her depression became worse after 2 separate suicide attempts we told the doctor it was time to come up with a better plan. She was weaned off of paxil and is now stable on welbutrin.

The FDA banned paxil for children and adolescents

I'm suprised they're still even prescribing paxil at all.

I gained weight on Paxil. I was taking it for anxiety mostly. I had lost weight due to extreme anxiety, and then gained it all back on Paxil, plus some. But, I wasn't exercising or eating very well, either. Effects really do vary for everyone. Please keep in contact w/ your doctor about any side effects you may have.

Good luck!
Hi Randi, I was on Paxil for over a year to treat a nasty depression with debilitating anxiety and insomnia. It took a few weeks to kick in but certainly was effective in evening out my emotional state. If I gained any weight while on it, it was minimal. What I didn't like about Paxil was that it made me feel like I was on the periphery of life, more like a passive observer than keen participant. In the end I would say that it was effective but I was very glad to start tapering off. About 6 months after coming off of Paxil the anxiety and insomnia started again and I was prescribed Luvox and stayed on that for about 6 months. For me personally, Luvox was a 'kinder gentler' anti-depressant but we (and our biochemistry) are all so very different. I hope Paxil helps you :)

Take Care
I was on it for 10 years for migranes. Did it help? Some.
Would i take it again. No.
It took me 6 months to wean off, then i was really sick when i finally quit. Abdominal aching, tired, moody, dizziness.
I ended up taking a drug cleansing kit to finally rid it from me..
For a month after getting off i was really sick, and the stuff was giving me suicide thoughts.
So, you discuss this with your doc. As for me never again.

While I don't take Paxil (I take Zoloft) my girlfriend is on Paxil and gained weight.

I guess it is different for everyone but it always scared me when I saw her weight change.

My other girlfriend is on Wellbutrin and loves it!!

I guess everyone reacts differently.

Michelle ;-)
>Would i still gain weight even though I eat very very clean
>and workout 6 days a week?

It's hard to say, everyone reacts differently to drugs. Talk to your doctor, and monitor what happens while you take the meds. Even though I did gain weight from it, I'd still take Paxil again, because it helped w/ my anxiety and depression and got me through a very bad time in my life. I was on Paxil for about 2 years, then tapered off - that was 4 years ago.

Talk to your doctor, but don't let the possibility of weight gain stop you from taking meds that are necessary. Side effects can be dealt with, but you must treat your primary condition properly.

Hang in there!
hi randi! i have always read that if you really "stay on top of it" it does make it harder to gain weight. that said, i think weight gain is a common side effect of ssri's but i agree that that shouldn't stop you from trying it. you can always switch again if it dosnt work out. i tried quite a few before i found that wellbutrin works the best with my chemistry. unfortunatly, trial and error is really the only way to figure it out! hang in there, and i hope you feel better...
I gradually quit taking Paxil about a year ago because I was worried about weight gain too. I'm an "anxious" worry-wart type of person and I obviously need something to help me fight that so I had to go back on the Paxil this year. I guess I will continue to take it for my sanity and I will continue to exercise for the weight issue. I'm not overweight but I think I would be if I quit exercising and eating clean. Is that Paxil's fault? Probably not in my case.
Thank you very much for your responses. I go back to the doctor in a month so will see how it works for me.Also i'm in the process of finding a good therapist to go see. I'm just worried about the weight gain issue because working and and looking good are important in my case that is somthing that helps my depression a little bit and my self confidence. so if i do gain weight from it i hope its very very little.
Randi, I so know how you feel, but at this time in your life your mental health is more important than how you look in the mirror. I have always felt the same as you - working out and 'looking good' were of the utmost importance to me. Then I hit a very bad time post-baby (pregnancy and weight gain were very hard for me to deal with, although I wanted my son very, very much!) and after struggling for too long I had to admit I needed help and went on Paxil. Yes, I gained weight, but I also gained my sanity back. I needed the meds for those two years to help my mind heal and get back to a more stable mental state. And you know what? Even w/ my fixation on the 'last 10 pounds' and my body image issues, if you gave me the choice between being a bit heavier, but in a good mental state, or a fit, rock-hard specimen but beside myself with anxiety and depression, I'd choose heavier but happier!! Having been there, done that, and come out the other side. :)

I feel for you honey! Feel free to PM me.

Sorry to answer slightly off thread, but I take Lexapro, which is another SSRI, and have had no side effects and no weight gain. In fact, it has caused weight loss. And good moods!

Paxil! OMG! I HATE that drug! I was on 60 mg per day for 5 years and during that time I gained 3 sizes.....

I was a chubby zombie -- life was neither good nor bad.

Finally, I "discontinued" Paxil which literally is withdrawal. I had every horrible symptom there was when I decreased from 10 to 0 mg per day.

I ended up hospitalized for two weeks -- because the withdrawal made me suicidal.

There have been many Class Action Lawsuits against Paxil -- one as I recall was in California under the grounds that it was brought to market too quickly without adequate clinical trials.

If Paxil were the only antidepressant on the market and I was suicidal, I'd just go ahead and suicide.

Every person I've ever seen on Paxil for a period of time gained from 15 to 40 pounds within one year.

But the worst part is getting off the stuff.

I have major depressive disorder with post traumatic stress syndrome and I am resistant to every medication I've tried.

I have been on almost every antidepressant there is except for MAO Inhibitors.

I am now considering Electroshock Therapy or the new procedure, Vagus Nerve Stimulation.

I find my best relief from my very serious depression to be working out. When I get really down, I work out to Cathe and it helps.

I am not saying Cathe's videos are a cure for depression, but they sure help me.

I don't know where I would be without working out.

That and getting my Border Collie, Tiffany have saved me.

I spend a lot of time at home alone with no socialization and it is very easy to think unpleasant thoughts.

But I digress -- when I finally got off Paxil, the weight melted back off and I was again small.

Kind regards,

Hi Dave,

I take Wellbutrin. It helps a little.

And my take on Paxil is that it should be taken off the market.

It is poison in a pill and almost killed me.

It DID kill some of my peers in group therapy.

Therapy does not help me though. My depression is very much a chemical imbalance.

I tried therapy from age 18 to just recently (I am 51). All I do is rehash things better left in the past.

If I were a physician, I would not prescribe Paxil.

The drug company that manufactures it even tried to market it for social anxiety -- in other words, if you could not speak in a group or were shy, Paxil was the panacea!
Amy, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience w/ Paxil, and I know it's the the right med for everyone, but I have to disagree w/ your opinion that if the choice were 'Paxil or suicide, I'd choose suicide.' I was on Paxil for two years, it worked very well for me. I was on a lower dose (20mg/day) and yes, when I stopped I had to taper for several weeks. I gained a total of 15 pounds the whole two years I was taking it, but at the same time I know I was eating whatever I wanted and not exercising at all. However, taking Paxil was the saving grace for me. It worked for me. I weaned off Paxil w/ the support and advice of my nurse practitioner and it was all fine. I think that Randi and her Dr. and therapist can determine if Paxil is right for her. If it's not, they'll try another med. The important thing is to be aware and proactive. She's tried another med already, her Dr. is recommending she try Paxil. I think at this time it's important to listen both to her healthcare professional, and herself, but not necessarily to scare stories.
I'm not necessarily defending Paxil but I had no withdrawal symptoms when I went off of it, so it doesn't do that to everyone. I only took/take 20 mg/day so your higher dose might have been your problem. It's been a life saver for me.

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