I love both of them but they are not as intense as Cathe. They are much more complexity intense. They are both spin happy. Step Gone Wild would be the closest thing to intensity for me from Rob Glick. I burned 496 calories with that one and Amazing Step Styles would come in 2nd. I burned 377 calories with that one. I would say Amazing Step Styles would compare with Rhythmic Step. From Rob I have Good to Go Hi Lo, Step Gone Wild and Amazing Step Styles. I have Step My Way, Step Up and all of Patrick's dance workouts. I love his dance workouts. They are so much fun. I feel they are more about learning and having fun with the choreography rather than getting an intense workout. For Patrick Step Up would be the closest. I burned 320 calories with that one. I traded B.E.S.T. It was his worst, IMO. I think Rob cues and explains things much better than Patrick which helps you learn the steps better. Once you know the steps better, you can have a better, more intense workout. Patrick is all about having fun. In Step Up, as he's doing the steps, the camera pans up to his face which is very annoying and causes you to lose track of what you're doing. With both Patrick and Rob, my heart rate stays between 71-83%. With Cathe's step, I usually do them all on 8" now. I wouldn't recommend doing anything of Rob or Patrick on 8" since everything is so turny. My heart rate with Cathe on an 8" step is between 78-92%.
I also loved M.A.D. Moves. Great choreography and the toning section was good too.