Part 2: How do you divide your stregth training?

Part 2: How do you divide your stregth training?

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I like the push/pull break down of S&H and also add in the gym styles body parts in this way...biceps/triceps, back/chest, shoulders/legs
sometimes I will use the break down in gymstyles triceps/chest, back/shoulders/biceps, legs, but more often than not its push/pull. I seldom do a total body workout unless its been more of a cardio week and there is a time crunch.
I lift three times a week:


I throw a weighted ab workout in there, usually with back/bis. Really wish I could lift 6 times a week & do one body part per day, but I just don't have the time.
I do freestyle for legs 4 times a week right now while I'm training for a marathon. After that I'll up it to 6. I like the results I'm getting much better than lifting heavy for lower body.

I've been doing the GS upper body workouts 4 days a week putting two days between. For instance I did back, shoulders and biceps yesterday and will do it again on Wed. I did chest and tris today and will do it again on Fri.

I do abs about 5 times a week using either Cathe core work or pilates.
Legs once or twice a week, upper body once or twice per week but usually split along Chest/back/bis/tris and shoulders on separate day, or the same but with chest on a separate day.

Rarely do total body w/o's: only when coming back to exercise after a break. My upper body needs heavy weights,not endurance work.

It all depends on how I feel, what I am motivated to do and how hot it is: if too hot for me, then cardio is out the window and I do more weight training. Gotta keep moving.

So, there's no fixed schedule!

I usually do Chest and Back together on one day and Shoulders, Biceps, and triceps together. Legs gets another day. Then, on a separate day, I'll either do a circuit (cardio and weights) workout or total body workout.

However, about once every 3-4 weeks, I change by doing Chest and Tris and Back, Shoulder, Bis.
Just a few of the MANY variations I do:

legs standing, weighted
legs standing, no weight

shoulders and arms
legs standing and floor
total body, end of the week



Really, the combinations are endless.


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