Pap Re-test?

Hope this isn't too personal but with all of the experience we've shared I was hoping to see if anyone else has had this happen. I had my pap a few weeks ago, the Dr. office called to say 'everything is fine but we want to do a re-test in 6 months so mark it on your calendar.' It was the receptionist calling so I didn't pursue it with her. I'll see my Dr. after my holidays (mid/late August). Instead of idley wondering and resisting the urge to worry and chew about it I thought I'd ask. Anyone else had this happen or able to shed some light on why a re-test when everything is "fine"??? TIA:)

Take Care

I can only imagine how frustrating and, even frightening, this must be! UGH! It's bad enough just going for a pap smear without having to repeat the %&*^ thing. I'm no expert but I think it's possible the sample they collected was inadequate to test. I've known women that this has happened to. I hope that's all it is, or something equally as insignificant. Please keep us posted. :)

I don't know the answer to this, but it seems I recall someone else posting about this not too very long ago. Maybe they'll see this and post. You could call and ask to speak to your doctor or his nurse and ask them "why?", just so you can ease your mind. I'm certain if there was a real concern, the doctor would have let you know.

Let us know and take care.:)
i've had re-tests because they something not right but very vage as to whether there is or not. it turned out ok.

Laurie, I would definitely make a call to find out why the re-test, if only to ease your worries. My Dr.'s secretary has answered many a question, and actually I get most of my results from her. Make the call and you can enjoy your holidays. Good luck.
If you had a regular pap, where they just smear a slide, sometimes it can be difficult for the technician to read. My OB only does the "thinprep" kind, where the smear is contained in a vial of liquid. Supposedly it is much easier for the technician to analyze. I began having this type about 10 years ago after an irregular smear.
Definately call your doctor and find out why - especially because he/she wants to wait six months to redo - make sure it wasn't six weeks.
I just went through this about a year or so ago - my pap came back "off" for lack of a better term, at this point I really don't remember what the diagnosis was. My doctor wanted to retest, but I had to wait six weeks because the cells have to regrow. At the time I had my pap retest, I also had a test for HPV which they are starting to believe is a very good indicator for cervical cancer. Basically, if your pap comes back off but your test for HPV is negative, then no cervical cancer. If your pap is off but HPV comes back positive, then you need to be watched.

Do a search on the web for HPV - Human Papoloma Virus (?Spelling is probably off). There have even been tv commercials in my area suggesting that women be tested for this. Also, don't be frightened HPV is a sexually transmitted disease.

Good luck - hope all turns out well.
I had this happen to me about 5 years ago. My first pap had some strange squamous cells in it (nothing definitive - not normal or abnormal, just something slightly off, if that makes any sense). So they had me come back in a few months just to make sure that I didn't have hpv or something else that could cause such an irregularity. Everything checked out fine. But call and get the scoop - they won't be surprised by your call and that way you can some peace of mind.

Good luck!
When I had Sarah (now 10 1/2), I went to my Dr.'s appointment. She was c-section. Anyways, he did the pap and said that the PH balance in my vagina was off and to come back in 2 months for a check up. I went and was okay. He says it fixes itself as my body heals. I was very relieved.
Thanks so much for your replies, sounds like there's lots of reasons why re-tests are done. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and for all of your encouraging words. I'll call the Dr. today and see if I can bump up my appointment and get some answers sooner. You Gals are great (as always!):)

Take Care
I wouldn't worry about it. When I had cancer, my note said "YOU HAVE CANCER" (ok, maybe not that blunt), but it was definitely clear that there was a serious problem--and I was referred in one week.:)
I won't presume to know the reason for the repeat pap. This is purely speculation but... if your pap was normal, it may be there were no endocervical cells or an infection. I had my own repeat pap protocol in those situations, so what I would do and what another provider would do may differ.

For those interested, these are the consensus guidelines used in the US:

Remember, a pap is a screening tool and not diagnostic. We need our routine paps. So keep those paps current or I will come to your house and do it myself. HEHE!


I would call my docotor and have him explain it to me.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Let me just say that I went through a horrible scare over this. I went in for my regular pap test. It was a new Dr. since I just moved here. She was young and that raised flags. I've always had normal tests. And never had any infections or anything wrong.

She herself calls me a fews weeks later and tells me I have to have a biopsy and hysteroscopy and a D & C. Because I might have cancer. Well I was in shock. However I remembered she was young and that many women get abnormal paps and then they have another pap test and all is well.

Well I asked her if first I could have another pap test because sometimes they don't come out normal the first time. She wouldn't hear of it. So I got my medical records from her office and went to another Dr. All while living in fear of the cancer growing inside me.

At the other Dr.'s office I had another pap test done but it was right after my period because I was in such a rush to find out if I had cancer. It was abnormal because it was right after my period. They called me and rescheduled me for another pap test. Instead of wanting to do a bunch of other invasive procedures.

This second pap test came up normal because of the timing. This Dr.'s office took the time to reschedule me at the best time for my pap test to be done. I will never go back to the other Dr.'s office because she was just in a rush to open me up to whatever she wanted to do.

THE MORAL OF THIS STORY IS: Make sure your timing is always the best for these tests it makes a BIG difference. And ALWAYS listen to your intuition. When in doubt go get a second opinion!!!
(((Muffin Top))) Wow, you're post sure put things in perspective, like a slap of reality. I am not one to borrow trouble (it eventually finds me on it's own;-) ) and am not losing sleep over this. I do hope and pray that you are now and will continue to stay healthy and well:) The remarkable women who stay positive and focussed through adversity on this forum continue to inspire and humble me.

Thanks for the link Autumn:) De-mystifies the objectives for testing and is a great resource to refer to after talking to my Dr.

Sundari, what an awful experience. You were so wise to follow your instincts and find another Doctor. I can imagine how insensed you would feel when she shut you down for asking for a re-test. Thank God all is well with you and thanks for sharing your experience:)

Thanks for all of your responses Ladies:)

Take Care
Oh yes I have had this happen more than once. The first time is worry some. My first time was because I had some abnormal cells. Did your doctor do an HPV test? My second time around my test was fine. And either the cells corrected themselves or whatever was wrong with the first test was corrected. The second time I was like okay here we again and again it was negative. My HPV tests were both negative too.

I go every six months regardless. I have for years, at one time( I was 18) I had a-typical cells, had to have a biopsy(no fun) and freezing (also no fun). Luckily it was non cancerous and has never reoccured since. I was also told at this time I had a strain of HPV, there are many strains, not every strain causes cancer. Now my HPV tests have benn negative, so it does clear on its own.

It's nerve racking try to hang in there. But it does happen your not alone.


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