?pants 5th Co?


Hi everyone,
Was wondering if any of you have ordered the boot cut pants from The 5th Company and how they compare to the Hot Skins tactel ones? Do the sizes run the same and are they about the same style? I can't tell very well by just looking at the picture from their website. Hot Skins no longer have black....but the ones at the 5th come in black, blue, army green and purple....
Any help and comments would be appreciated? I'm getting anxious for the Intense Series so much that I'm trying to locate the clothes...:D

Thanks so much for your help
Hi Wanda - I ordered the shorts from 5th element and liked them so much that I just placed an order for more the other day. I had bought the ones from HotSkins but found that they were uncomfortable (specifically, like an awful wedgie--their fit models must have no muscles in their bums/legs). Initially, I bought some of the cotton ones in medium (I wear a six or an eight on the bottom, depending on the manufacturer), and the HotSkins were so tight that they rolled up my legs when I started working out. Haha. It was awful, but my arms got a terrific workout from yanking those darned things down so much. Glutton for punishment, I thought I'd give HS a second chance. I got a few pairs of the HotSkins in tactel in a large and they fit a bit better but they felt too small on me. I think that size is right, but they are just a bit skimpy. Back to 5th element, they feel much more comfortable than the HotSkins. The fabric is nicer and they fit better (I got them in size medium). Hopefully, someone bought the pants and can fill you in, but from my experience with the shorts, the 5th element bottoms were definitely sized more generously than the HotSkins. Suzanne
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-02 AT 11:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks Suzanne. You were a big help in giving me an idea how the sizes ran. It is good to know the fabric is nicer too. :D The prices are cheaper than the Hot Skins at regular price.

I've asked this question on another thread before, but the pants that Cathe wears in the Pyramid Upper, do you suppose they are 5th Element in dark blue? The top on the Hot Skins site says violet, but these aren't the same pants as the Hot Skins ones has a colored band around the waist. ???

Oh to be so vain and want to do the videos in the same outfit as Cathe....LOL

Thanks Again,
Hi Wanda - I checked out only the shorts colors on the 5th element site---they have black, green, navy, and I think, violet. I'd be willing to bet they make pants in the same colors. I'm not sure what pants Cathe is wearing in the video. By the way, that black band on the HotSkins shorts is simply a big old piece of black elastic! I did not at all like it. The black tactel shorts that I got in large from HotSkins have a waistband that is the same fabric as the shorts. They are more comfortable, but only a smidge so. Those are the "v" waistband shorts (5th element shorts have the same "v" waist which was why I bought them). Hope this helps.

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