Paleo diet


Yesterday i had a long talk with a leading nutritionist that swears by this eating plan-- does anyone have any experience with it, pro or con?
Funny you ask - I was just going to report on this a few minutes ago! Here is my experience:

I'm on week 8 of Paleo. Initially heard about it on hear, looked into the books Paleo Solution, Wheat Belly and Primal Blueprint. I commited to 30 days of no cheats based on Paleo Solution. Decided ot try it because of ridiculous exhaustion, stomach aches and bloating and a few many trips to the bathroom during the day :) Some people I know are just of the opinion it's too hard, they'd never give up bread .... at this point it's not really even hard for me. I feel sooooo much better I'm not tempted to go back. In the past 3 weeks I did try the following "cheats" to see how my body reacted. First it was a big glass of milk. NOT good. The following week it was a burger. On a bun. Along with a FEW nachos w/ cheese. 90 minutes later my gut felt like it did almost everyday 2 months ago.

My energy is much better. It's not "through the roof" (I'm 40 w/ 3 small kids - probably won't happen), but it is waaaaay more consistent. I no longer have the dragging exhaustion where I just want to lay down. And I'm sleeping better.

One weird thing that has happened I never anticipated - my hair has stopped falling out. For 20 years it's been the norm for me to loose quite a bit in the shower, then have hair all over the sink after I'm done with the blow dryer. Now there are maybe 3 strands on the sink!! From my research all I can think is maybe my body is actually absorbing more of the nutrients I'm ingesting because my intenstal wall is healthier.

That may be way longer of an answer than you were looking for! I am always careful to refer to this as my eating "plan" because I've never particularly believed in diets. One of my girlfriends is following more of the Wheat Belly plan, which I believe is not as strict with some grains. It's a work in process and over the next few months I hope to switch over to grass-fed beef as well to kind o complete the transition.

Hope that helps. I'm curious why this nutritionist swears by Paleo. I just know my experience thus far has been very positive. And how amazing it was to find wheat as an ingredient in the soy sauce I used!!


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