Pain in the@#$#%$$


Help, I have a charlie horse in my rear end that I can't get rid of. The only exercise I am doing right now is walking due to concerns about placenta previa. Don't know how I have done this. It hurts and it is getting worse. I have had it for about a week. Yes, I am going to talk to my doctor about it, but know it isn't anything serious, just uncomfortable so am going to wait until my appointment next week. Has anyone else experienced this. I hurts the most when I walk. It is on my right side only, and really hurts as I get started when walking. The pain gets less as I walk, but doesn't ever go away. It make me limp. I can live with it, but would rather not. Appreciate any suggestions. So far so good on the placenta previa deal. Hasn't gone away, but I haven't experienced any bleeding. I am at 26 weeks,and counting!!!!!
No answer, but I feel for you. I am 25 weeks and so I can kind of relate to how far you are. Very happy to hear the placenta previa is okay so far. Best of luck! Hope you can find an answer to your charlie horse.
Glad.. are doing better with the Placenta Previa.:) Sorry to hear about your cramping in your rear. :-(It sounds like it could possibly be your Sciatic nerve. Maybe you could do some research and see if that sounds like it. Hopefully, Sheila can jump in here and help you. Good Luck! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi! I'm glad to hear that your placenta previa is doing well.

As far as this pain that you mentioned, we have had questions in the past regarding this and I am going to post one of Sheila's replies to it. This woman, Marjorie, also said that this pain was on her right side and would cause her to limp at times.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that this advice and/or information does not replace your doctors advice, concerns, or requests. Also, this post was written to a fellow poster who DID NOT have placenta privia. Before I post Sheilas info, I just want to say good luck with everything and hope that you fell better soon:)!

Sheila's response to Marjorie was as follows:

"Here are some exerpts from our "Healthy Moms Perinatal Fitness Instructor Training Manual" that you might find helpful.

"The sciatic nerve may cause discomfort during pregnancy. This nerve exits the spinal column just above the sacrum and runs along the sacroiliac (SI) joint. It may become impinged in the SI joint or under the pyriformis muscle that runs from the sacrum to the femur. Clients may describe sciatic nerve discomfort as a “catch in the buttocks” or a “shooting pain that originates in the buttocks and goes down the back of the leg.”

"Sciatic nerve pain is characterized as a sharp or dull pain in the buttocks that may run down the back of the thigh and leg to the ankle. It is thought to be caused by the pregnant uterus pressing on the sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Mom has two sciatic nerves that run from her lower back down her legs to her feet. Exercise will not alleviate or minimize sciatic nerve pain. Mom may experience some symptom relief if her baby changes position. Care should be taken to avoid any leg exercises that put the nerve on stretch such as knee lifts and mid to high range straight leg kicks."

Hip AB and AD-duction modifications and tips for pregnancy:

· Abductor strength is necessary to support the pelvic joints
· Abduction greater than 45 degrees may strain the round ligaments, bother the low back and/or aggravate the sciatic nerve
· Adductor strength is needed for the “pushing stage” of labor
· Supine adductor work should be modified after the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

As you can see from the above bullet points, watch your abduction exercises and keep it less than 45 degrees.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted."

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