Padding for aerobic floor


Hi Cathe and everyone else,

I know you've been asked a million times about aerobic flooring, but maybe this question will be a little different. I live on the third floor of an apartment building. The apartments seem to be not the sturdiest in the world, and I'm concerned about the ceiling of the apartment beneath me shaking when I work out. I also have a carpet that is too thick to work out safely on.

I'm going to buy something to put down; I think I'm going to buy a very tightly woven short carpet at Home Depot that will be big enough for my workout space. I'm wondering if I should buy some kind of padding to go underneath the carpet. Will it make any difference in the amount of noise I make for the people below me? Will the padding be beneficial for me? Also, is there anything of good quality that is CHEAP? We are very broke since my husband is in law schoool and we're getting ready to have a baby any day.

Well, I hope this question makes any sense at all. Thanks for all you do for us home exercisers.

Hi Emily!

I can't answer your carpet question but was surprised to see you still hanging around? Aren't you a bit overdue? I just want to wish you the best. I know last we talked you only had a few days to go. GOOD LUCK and let us know when the happy occasion arrives!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Emily!

Hi Debbie,

Actually, they gave me two due dates - March 25 or April 6. So technically, I won't be overdue until after this coming Friday. It sure feels like I've been waiting around forever, though :) I've been working out like crazy trying to get her to come on out, but looks like she wants to hang out in there a little longer. Maybe this week, she'll make her big entrance. Just as long as she doesn't come today (April Fool's Day). It's my husband's worst fear :)

I Bet!

I AM SURE it feels like you have been waiting forever! I am just so happy for you that you can be working out. What a blessing! Hang in there & we HOPE to have a report from you AFTER today! Happy April Fool's Day!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi Emily! How exciting that you are so close to being a mommy. Who knows, maybe you are delivering as I type:).

As for carpet, padding etc. I have a feeling regardless of what you put down, you will still be heard to some degree. But technology is forever changing so I would definitely ask the store for assistance. For workout/safety reasons, you want to keep the padding to a minimum. Nothing too squishy so that you don't sink down. And for carpet choice, I agree, a short tight weave is the safest to avoid tripping. Since you can't rely on carpet for an ideal energy return system, invest your money in a good shoe. Also, step will be the safest workout as far as energy return since the step itself provides a bit of energy return.

Good luck "mama". Keep us posted!

Thanks for the advice. I'm still here full of baby :) I did Cardio Kicks this morning until I got a little bit of the way through the intensity drills, and I just can't wait to be unloaded of my extra person so I can really work out again. Thanks again.


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