P9OX Kicked my A**

Amy Steppe

Out of curiousity, I bought two of the P90X Plus from Ebay.

Tony Horton does talk a lot, but the next day my freakin' core was never so sore!


His program seems pretty darned good....I may need to buy the entire system.


I have my first go of Abs/Core+ on tap for today! I'm excited about it. I am starting my official X+ rotation one week from today. I did an X rotation last year and it did wonders for me! They are excellent products! I'm glad you enjoyed what you've purchased thus far! :)
Abs plus is ROCKING! I love that freaking workout!

I had really hard time keeping my hands on the pullup bar and raising my legs and stuff for the ab parts, so after awhile I figured out that by modifying my arm position to "one hand in the front position grasping the pullup bar and the opposite hand in a curl up position grapsing the pullup bargave me enough leverage to where I could focus on my core and actually do the whole thing - otherwise I felt like my arms were going to rip out of socket or something! I need more strength in them that will come in time.....

however, the whole point will be to hold my hands in the front pullup position the entire time, but hey ya gotta start somewhere!!!
Hi Wendy,

I started P90X+ about 3 weeks ago. I have likes and dislikes about the program. I've got to where I do like Tony, but I can't do the pull ups and chins, and have a tough time with the push ups. I have been subbing pull downs for the pull ups. I did get in 5 pull ups and chins one time, but still can't do them consistent. I know it will take time to get strong enough to do them, but do you have any suggestions? Room is tight for me too, especially with the push ups. I love the abs plus! I can tell my abs are really working, but just wondering about the push ups do you know anything else I could sub those for? I do what I can, but then I feel I'm wasting time waiting on them to finish up??? Any suggestions would be great as I don't want to give up! For once I want to see something throug!

Thanks in advance!
Hi Sandy.

When I did P90X I simply did what I could. If I could only do 1 push up on my toes before dropping to my knees, that's what I did. If I could only do 1 unassisted pull up before moving on to assisted pull ups then that was fine. Tony stresses in the original X to NOT get wrapped up in the numbers or in trying to keep up with "the kids". You have to do what YOU can do and if you keep at it, you WILL get better! Don't give up on push ups! They will get easier with time and practice. Pull ups too! I couldn't do ANY unassisted pull ups when I started the X. By the end I was able to do a few unassisted reverse grip chin ups! Don't worry about "wasting time" if you are done before Tony and the gang. That gives you more time to rest between sets and there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to keep moving. The rest is good for you. Just don't stop doing SOMETHING while you are waiting for them to finish up.

I hope I helped some! Don't be so hard on yourself. You'll get better at it, I promise! :)
Yes, Tony is very cute and very motivating.

I found when I muted the music, he is much more tolerable.

One thing about him -- he's enthusiastic.

I would love to take a class with him.

All I know is the P90X is something I now have to buy.

I've seen before and afters on You Tube that were NOT solicited ads and the men looked fantastic after the program!
OMG those Dreidel (sp) rocks about killed me.

I freaking can't get to my feet!

I think P90X is the hardest program I've ever done......

The only thing I don't like is the way Tony pushes the nutrition products.

But he's so cute, I can forgive him.....

His cast isn't bad either :9

If you want to, you can purchase the X through my web page below-I'm a coach! Just click on shop for products, register (it's free) and then shop away!

Enjoy it girl! Can't wait to hear about your results!:)

Thanks so much, you did help me out! I did Total Body Plus today and did what I could, and I found I didn't give up to much time before they were done. I really have a goal to get them pull ups and push ups down in the next four weeks. Did I tell you I was on my third week? I am hanging in there, but sometimes I want to just throw in the towel, because I feel I need to be able to do the things they are already doing, but like you said I'll get there! Thanks for the words of encouragement!!!
Hey Sandy.

Cool, I'm glad I could help. :) I'm starting the X+ rotation on Sunday so I'll be right there with you soon enough!;)

Keep pushing play, girl!
Love it!!! Abs/ Core+ rocks!! I start week 5 of my X+/X rotation tomorrow and it's going really well for me! Feel free to email me if you have any questions!! Tony kicks butt and P90X and the new X+ are awesome!
You will get there!! I could do pushups pretty well before starting the X but could NOT do a pullup. I swear by doing negatives. Use the chair to help yourself get over the bar & then lower yourself slowly back down. You'll really feel your lats working as you lower down slowly & build up the strength to do full ones! I have seen some huge changes in my back from pullups & P90X!!

If you need encouragment while doing the X+, send me an email. I'm on week 5 and love it! ;-)
You can order from any MDB coach's webpage. If you aren't a member of milliondollarbody, just click on play the game (it's free membership & access to the forums there), and then you can order. Anyone that you order from their webpage will automatically be assigned your coach to help answer any questions that you have and help out in any way we can!

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