

I hear a lot of forum members mention P90X. I understand that it is another type of weight training program. For those who have it, could you tell me how you like it? What exactly it is? How is it compared to STS?

i have only done meso one.so far i prefer p90x.i have gained weight during sts.it includes other workouts which were very benificial for me. i sweat more in p90x+ than meso 1-both endurance. i am sure other people will disagree with me. after meso 3 i plan on doing p90x using the 1m


I just finished P90X. It was a good program. However, you do the same rotations for 3 weeks, it did get redundant. There's only like 10 discs versus Cathe's 41, so you can see how it's repetitive. I would do it again though. P90X has great discs for yoga, plyo and kenpo which I will probably rotate into STS. I'd do it again some time in the future.
I have done 5 rounds of P90X, the last 2 incorporating P90X+. I just finished Meso 2 of STS and have seen much greater muscle and strength gains with STS. I also gained weight (5 lbs) during meso 1 but it came off and then I lost an additional 5 lbs during Meso 2.
I absolutely love STS because it is much more individualized since everything is based on one's personal 1 rep max. Cathe's program never gets boring since every single workout is different and that adds more confusion to the "muscle confusion". I am following Cathe's cardio recommendations for STS and throwing in a couple of Yoga sessions each week so my STS rotation is very much like the P90X program. Cathe's cardio is tougher than Tony's and I am definitely feeling it more than the P90X.
Bottom line, both are great programs. Tony's has a great nutrition guide, Cathe's has fantastic on line support and tools.

Brenda in Indiana
I like p90x and feel much leaner have more tone than when I was doing Cathe. I think the P90x is great because plyo and Kenpo is not only cardio but it builds strength all over. I am in the best shape of my life. I don't think you need to spend hudreds of dollars to get in shape and the P90X is less time consuming.Oh and the YOGA is so awesome. You cannot go wrong with this program. I always feel it the next day after doing p90x. I highly recommend this program!!!!!!!!
Do you have to have a barbell for p90x? I have dumbbells but no room for a barbell.

What specific equipment is required?

Do you have to have a barbell for p90x? I have dumbbells but no room for a barbell.

What specific equipment is required?


Nope, Tony doesn't use a barbell. Dumbbells or tubing only. He always has 1 person in his crew showing how the exercises can be done with the tubing if you want to use it instead of dumbbells. He works back with either a pull up bar or bands. I think you could also use a lat pull down bar as well if you had that available to you. I think that's about all you will need aside from A LOT of patience for the 90 minutes of Yoga X! :p

So you're saying if I have dumbbells and resistance bands.....and patience...I'm good to go? Also unsure how much room as needed. I have small exercise area.

So you're saying if I have dumbbells and resistance bands.....and patience...I'm good to go? Also unsure how much room as needed. I have small exercise area.


Yes, you are good to go! :) I also agree with the other poster who said not much space is needed. I don't work out in a large area and I had plenty of room....
I think to get the full benefit of P90x you need to get a pullup bar as well.. Bands will work OK, but its all of the pullups in the program that will yield the greatest results.

Lynn M.
Love P90X

I hear a lot of forum members mention P90X. I understand that it is another type of weight training program. For those who have it, could you tell me how you like it? What exactly it is? How is it compared to STS?


My opinion is not worth much, but I happen to like P90X a whole lot.
P90X and P90x+ are both great programs, but if I had to choose between p90x and STS, I would definitely pick STS. I gained a lot of strength with P90x, but way more strength and muscle gains just with the first meso of STS.
I can only speak from experience with P90X and P90X+ since I do not have STS, but I love them. I started a P90X+ rotation a few weeks ago and already feel my whole core tighten up. I also like not hauling out a bunch of equipment to get in a good workout. Maybe someday when I have a dedicated workout room I will appreciate workouts that require lots of equipment.
that's one awesome thing about BeachBody's programs... little equipment and little space is needed, they really make these workouts to almost everone and anyone and leave little excuses not to workout and get in shape.

Cathe is a great instructor... but not everyone has room for the step, barbell, high step, stablitiy ball all out at once - so not everyone can get the full benefit of STS or some of her other workouts.

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