P90X Saturday 5/13


Good Morning all!

I'm off for a 6 mile run and will follow that with Core Synergistics. Should be fun. It's gorgeous out there today, so I'm looking forward to being out in it. Enjoy your days everyone!
Good day fellow X fans. I REALLY needed that rest day yesterday. The last time I needed a rest day and didn't listen to my body I ended up blacking out during a w/o, falling into a sprained ankle, and being treated in the ER for dehydration (I think it was really hyponatremia). So I'm glad I took the day and just cuddled and slept with my kids.

But back today! Legs and back, ab ripper X, and a 5-mile incline walk. I'm entering week 2 of incline walking and want to evaluate after 3.

Christine - please send some of that weather my way. We're on the 3rd solid day of rain - which we needed - but it's just cold and raw!

Carole I FINALLY picked up ETL last night. Can't wait to dive into it. Enjoy whatever you bring today! :)

Hi all you P90Xers... sorry I haven't been around much!

I am moving into my fifth week... which meant Chest/Shoulders/Triceps yesterday... WOW. I can feel almost every muscle across my back aching today!!! It was really a cool workout. Yikes!! I think my back was working hard yesterday to keep me upright, LOL, especially after the morning Abby Friday workout at bootcamp for 2 hours.

I'm passing on Plyo X in favor of Imax 3 this morning, and then a long run tomorrow. I guess I'll be up to 8 miles tomorrow! Gee thanks Christine for talking me into that July half, LOL. Maybe I'll throw in some yoga at the end of the Imax today- I could use some!!

Good luck, everyone!!

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