P90X rotation...which one?


Active Member
I'll be starting P90X on Monday, but I'm not sure which roation to go with....classic or lean? Any advice? I have about 10-15 lbs. to lose. Mindi
I'd follow the Classic one. That's the one I have heard most good results with. I have followed the Doubles myself and have finished the 6th week! There is one less day of weight lifting in the lean rotation and I prefer more myself....but I am sure you will get more opinions....Good Luck...:)...Carole
I am doing the Classic/Doubles Rotation (I do some cardio on weight days or when I have extra energy). I would say that weight loss comes mostly from your diet. So, I would suggest doing what feels right to you workout wise and keep tabs on your food intake. I am following Phase 1 eating right now and I like it.

The Classic rotation or doubles are well balanced, while the "lean" rotation has you omitting one body part per week in resistance work. I get the feeling that the Classic rotation was really well-planned and thought out, but the lean rotation was just kind of tossed together.

I recommend starting with the Classic rotation, as is, for two weeks and see how your body responds. Though you may be tempted to add more cardio, I advise against it during this two-week "break-in" period. You'll find that the rotation is very intense as is, though some of the individual parts (like Kenpo) don't necessarily seem that iintense. I needed extra sleep for the first two weeks, and often felt so tired out before bedtime that I didn't think I'd be able to do the next workout the following day. I even added in an extra rest/stretch day from time to time--about once a week, for the first 3 weeks.

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