P90X Friday Checkin


Happy Friday P90X'rs...

Well - today was Core S again. Man that workout makes me sweat. Just Yoga tomorrow and I have completed the first 60 days! Whoo Hoo! :) I am sure enjoying this series...

My focus for the next 30 days is great eating and getting in those 4 extra cardio workouts each week. It is T-minus 3 months until my 20th High School reunion - UGH!!! :) So I want to kick it up. I need to figure out how to work those last two months before the reunion. I am thinking I will do that last 30 days routine for two more months. well see...

Have a GREAT Friday! And Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!!!
Anne - you and I were posting at the same time! We'll use you're thread - here's what I said:

Happy TGIF everyone! And Happy Cinco De Mayo! It's my niece's birthday - 1 year old today - she was born at 5:55 PM on 5.05.05. It's on her birth certificate. I told my sister she should have named her Margarita... (Or if she had been a boy, Ferdinan - from the old cartoons - the bull who didn't want to fight - he only loved flowers). Her name is Avery. Probably for the best. But I digress...

I'm taking a rest day today. Much needed! I'll do Legs and Back tomorrow, after a long run. Next week is my first recovery week! I'm looking forward to it, actually. I'm feeling a little built up from all the weights, so a week of more functional fitness (CS is very functional) will be a nice change.

Is anyone else experiencing that? I feel kind of bulky through the chest and shoulders. I don't LOOK bulky there - in fact I think I lost inches in that weird place right under the arm pits and towards the back that tends to accumulate fat. Some of my more fitted shirts are getting lose there. But, you know those muscle bound guys who can't raise their arms over their heads - well, I feel kind of like that, even though I still have full range of motion. I hope I'm making sense...

Anyway - enjoy your Fridays!
Good Morning! Just finished C/B and weird thing happened. Pushing myself, and 1/2 way thru I felt really nauseous. Had to take lonnng breaks to get it all in bec of nausea. Anybody else have this? I had a protein smoothie bef. w/out. Maybe it was the tacobell & cake from last night!

Anne - congrats on 60 days! 20 yr reun. should be a blast! I would do cardio on lifting days. Listen to your body! I don't like to take 2 showers a day though! For your break after P90x, you could continue a phase, or alt. with Cathe. I do miss Cathe w/outs!

Christine - I don't know exactly how you feel about that bulky chest thing, but maybe you have a lift there? Don't we hope! I do feel stronger, and my shirts are also getting looser. Have you taken any pictures? Do it NOW! You will want to see the results of your efforts! I might put up 1 mth photos soon. Hard to believe! Next wk is recov. for me also.

To all that follow...Happy P90Xing and Eat Clean!

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