P90X equipment questons???



I'm a big Cathe fan, but my husband just talked me into ordering P90X. He is super excited about getting into shape and wants us to workout together. We've actually never worked out together in the whole 13 years we've been married, so this should be fun and interesting:).

Anyways, I see resistance bands being advertised for P90X. I'm assuming then that they use bands instead of weights in the DVDs?? Is it easy to just use free weights? Would we get more benefit using resistance bands? During the DVD's does he give you a guide on how much weight to use, or do you just have to figure it out?

We have one pull up bar, I was thinking maybe we need two? BUT, I know that I can't even do one......so should I get a resistance band to do something else (any advice on what resistance)?

I used free weights mostly. In the beginning I used resistance bands instead of doing pullups but then I got woody bands for doing assisted pullups. Good news that your hubby is excited about doing P90X. Been trying to get mine to do it for years. No luck.

I just started a second round of P90X on Monday. The only equipment you will need are dumbbells, pull up bar or bands with door attachment, mat, and occasionally a chair. Push up handle bars are optional. Tony doesn't tell you what weight to use. You determine the amount based on your goals. Endurance uses lighter weights in the 12-15 rep range while strength uses heavy weight in the 8-10 rep range. There are a few exercises where he makes everyone do 16 reps together otherwise you are on your own. I highly recommend getting bands to assist you with pull ups on the bar. You can use a chair but I found I cheated too much with it. Here is a link the bands I bought:


I got a medium and light band. If you scroll down the page to assisted pull ups and click the link, it will play a video on how use the bands with your bar.

Good luck!!
I had no idea you could get bands like that! I could actually do a pull up with that!

I have the bands with the handles. I was thinking I could attach that around a bar and do pull downs while sitting on the floor as a substitute.

What kind of bar do you have?

This is my set up. I try to do as many unassisted pulls as I can then move into the light band first. As I get more fatigued, I switch to the medium band. Another option would be to use a chair to get yourself above the bar then remove your feet from the chair and work the negative down. I never tried pull downs with bands so I can't comment on how well that would work.
Hi! Thanks for sharing. This afternoon, I ordered the bands from the link you posted! I'm actually excited about pull-ups now:D
Hooray for you!! I think you will be very happy with the bands. Report back after you've had a chance to use them.

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