P90X Check In week of June 12th


Figured I should start this again, after two weeks of neglect! I'm in my final push for P90X. Never thought I'd get there! Today is Chest and Back - I miss that one, so I'm excited to do it again. Then a run or elliptical in the afternoon. Should be fun!

Any suggestions on what to do afterwards? I was thinking of just falling into a 3 week on, one week off pattern for weight training like Tony has us doing anyway. I was going to start with the Gym Series then move to slow and heavy... I want to add in one fully endurance workout as well - so it would be something like
T - GS legs
R - off
F - Power/ME/MIS (or even one of the terminators or other circuit based workout).
S - cardio only
S - cardio only

Does that sound good?
Hi Christine...I did a P90X style rotation with GS and S&H...your rotation looks good!

This is my last week of P90X, and I am thinking next week will be more endurance based workouts hitting each body part twice a week if I can along with running.

Today was a 10 mile run and P90X Chest, Shoulders and Tri's..then abs of choice...:)
My back is pleasantly sore from Chest and Back yesterday. I rarely feel it in my back so this is nice! I'm enjoying it. I'm going to so a combo KPC/L&G today. Then some elliptical at the gym. Want to add more leg work into my week...

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