P90X Check Easter Sunday!


Good Day All!

I have FINALLY started my rotation! Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X is done. I'm pretty much a wet noodle - nice and sore in my back and shoulders - not so much chest, except upper. Need to work on the push ups. Did as many as I could on my toes, then dropped to my knees for total exhaustion and good form.

I can really see why people say not to do this with cardio! WOW! I enjoyed this, and I'm looking forward to continuing. I think it's going to be a great rotation.

How's everyone else doing?!

I just wanted to cheer you on!
I bought P90X but have yet to start it (have only done Ab RipperX , which I love). I'm anxious to get started but also as a cardio junkie I'm dreading the loss of daily cardio! (and I KNOW I will miss my almost daily workouts with Cathe!!!!)
The main reason for putting it off though is that I still don't have a chin up bar, or HRM. I need to get busy and buy those things so I can start !!!!!

Anyway GOOD GOING and I look forward to read more as you progress!!

Happy Easter!
Christine I've been thinking about you and wishing you a great start day!!!! I did shoulders and arms this morning, followed by ab ripper x. I need to do a LOT of work!!! :eek: I enjoyed the s/a workout much more than chest/back. We'll see where I get sore!!! :)

I won't have 90 minutes to devote to Yoga X tomorrow so I'm still trying to figure out what to do for that day.

Enjoy your day today, everyone!!!
Amy - yeah, C&B is tough, and requires a base strength just to get through it. I remember you said you felt it in your shoulders most - that's where I'm feeling it - also lower side back from the Lawn Mowers. Can you sub Stretch X for Yoga X? Then do Yoga X on your Stretch X day? Or do a shorter power yoga DVD. I have a couple of those. May have to pull them out.

Becky - THANKS! I could definitely use a cheering section! Yeah, I'm going to miss cardio. I'm actually planning on doing the double rotation because I need cardio to keep me sane. But, I'm beat after today's workout, so I'm not sure I'll have the endurance!!
Hi...unfortunately, I didn't get to start the rotation today....with church, Easter and all...things just dragged out . With cooking and family, I just haven't had the time today. So, I'm beginning tomorrow! I'm kindof bummed about it...I figured since I didn't get to start it today or do any workout....I must eat clean. Well, I allowed myself a little desert, but, I did not stuff myself! So, tomorrow, Monday...that's my day to work ultra hard! I'm starting with Chest & Back too. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes ;-)

I think the push-ups may be a little difficult for me too...a weakness that I'll have to work on.

Glad your first day went well:)
Hi, can I join in? I just purchased P90X, and am on my third day of the rotation. I am mixing it with running and Cathe, but am really excited about it. I am very impressed with the dvd's so far and love the cast and instructor. Since my husband bailed on me, maybe this thread will keep me in line!:)

Krystal - absolutely! Welcome, welcome! You and Amy are both running with the P90X, so I'm sure you'll have 'lots to chat about. I'm interested in hearing how all of that goes, too!

I'm feeling it my shoulders and chest this morning. It's very tough for me to feel anything in my chest, but I do. :p I love it! Also in my shoulders and the upper part of my arms.

Alicia - how'd it go today?

Plyo X for me today. I like that one... Have a happy day all.
Did Plyo X and I'm glad I did. I feel so much better - I ate way too much! Trying to be a lot better today. Wish me luck!

I have a question - what's everyone's toughest move? Which weight, plyo, core or whatever move makes you groan just thinking about it?
Morning Christine and everyone else...

I am re-doing week 6 of my rotation. I had a business trip last week and missed most of the workouts.

This morning was Chest, Shoulders and Tris. I think it has some of the best tri exercises. I am doing doubles now - so I am going to do some Turbo Jam at lunch.

As far as Plyo X - the ones I dread are the Tuck jumps - I just can't do them - I dont know if it is because of my 5'11" height or what... I keep trying.... It is PlyoX for me tomorrow morning. I do always look forward to this workout.

As for any other move in the workouts - it is in the Legs and Back - tip-toe lunges. I like the move itself - but it seems like you are doing them forever... :) Oh and wall sits - although I am working on building up my strength for those ones.
Hi ladies!!

I am starting week 5 of my P90X style rotation but for these next 3 weeks I'll be subbing the GS workouts for P90X weights. Today is GS Chest, tri and shoulders, abs and a 3 mile run.

Krystal...I also am running and training fo a couple of long races coming up.

Christine...for sure the dreaded move for me would be any type of pull-up or chin-up!!!! x( Way to go with PlyoX, a good one the day after easter candy...:)

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