P90X & Cathe's Leg Work

Has anyone tacked on a few of Cathe's exercises from any of her leg tapes to add to the p90X Legs and Back. I have to do this tape tomorrow and I just want to know how it worked out? I want to keep that lift to the butt and I know leg presses are good for that? Any suggestions? Or will that be too much for the first week out?
I have always done my leg work three times a week - actually each body part three times a week. So, with P90X the Legs and Back, I also do Cathe's Legs and Glutes. I also do leg weight work two other days a week.

I do not do P90X as it is in the format - I have made up my own rotations along with Cathe's workouts. I love cardio, which P90X doesn't have enough for me. I love step and her KPC.

I have been doing the P90X for 6 weeks and have gotten significant gains - I love it, but I also love Cathe.

Of course, I am a die hard - I think P90X and Cathe compliment each other quite well. P90X was just a boost I needed to up my upper body workouts!

Do you do the full tape or just some of the chapters on the tape? Do you think your rear still has the uplift that it had when you started?
When a friend of mine said my butt was really small (she meant it in a good way, but I didn't take it well!) I realized that P90X leg work was not enough to keep my rear high and round(er) (it was looking lower and flatter), so for the last 3 weeks, I've been adding some extra leg work during Plyo X day and Legs and Back day. I have a Soloflex Rockit (kind of a leg press/squat machine) that I use for heavy leg presses. On Plyo X day, I do 1 set of Rockit presses during the "breaks" (then I add on a double break after the leg presses). During Legs and Back, I either do leg presses instead of the back work, or add on 5 sets of presses after the workout.

It seems to be working, as the caboose already seems perkier!

It may just be an individual thing: I seem to need more heavy weight work (especially presses) to keep my butt where I want it to be!

I do the whole tape - I also do Leaner Legs one day a week and LBP one day a week - My lower body needs more weight training than P90X offers - i cannot say whether my butt has more lift to it than when I started P90X - because my butt has been uplifted for years from weight training.

My butt does not sag in he least - and I am 48 - as my husband says my butt is my greatest asset! I think if I did only the one leg workout on P90X gravity would pull it down!

Yeah, I also add another leg workout besides P90X, even if that means doing 1/2 P90X Legs and 1/2 Cathe leg workout in the same workout hour. Next week, I plan to do PS Legs/Ballwork from PLB on one day and P90X Legs on another. I too do not follow P90X as is. Some, I have not even done yet.....
I would NOT suggest doing an extra leg tape for the first couple of weeks, especially if you plan to follow the rotation "as is" with no extra rest days. It is taxing, now and in the beginning........:)
Hi Mic:

I am in week 4 of P90X.. I am a pear and found that I felt I needed a little extra leg work too. I modified by adding heavier weights on the leg portion of leg/back P90 X and then some of the moves I substitute in some high step leg presses. Also, instead of doing KenPo on the cardio day, I substitute in Cathe's Circuit Max tape but don't do the arm work. (I just use heavier weights and do all leg work of Circuit Max.) I really like that alot. It gives me a balance of heavy weight work ( on the P90X day) and also more of an endurance weight work on the Circuit Max day.

I would also suggest during your first time doing this, just do it as is.. You can always add something in a few days to put in the extra work if you feel you need it.

Best of luck and have a GREAT time!!

Lynn M.
Has anyone found their legs getting smaller from the lack of weight work for them in P90X? I'm only in week 2, but unless it's my imagination, my legs do seem smaller. Was there any explaination when P90X first came out as to why their was so little leg work? Mindi
Another "extra leg" here. Last week was LL, this week L&G. I also think that one leg day is not enough. Obviously a guy put together P90X....:7 But I love the upper body gain!
Thanks guys for the great advice!! Looks like I may have to do some modifying, I'll see how things go tomorrow. It's really nice to be able to talk to people and get the varying ideas on what to do. Your all so experienced, thanks.
Mic, I am used to working my legs 3x a week. With P90X I do add another day of one of Cathes leg workouts, PLB,LL,PH,MIS,PS. I just back off a bit on the weight as I am also adding running 3x a week and I don't want to completely fry the muscles...:D ....Carole
I'm curious about this too.

I haven't started P90X yet, but have noticed that since I started doing regular HEAVY standing leg work (PS/S&H) 7 months ago, my legs and butt look better than ever, and I'm almost 45! I'm scared to lose that "dent that dancers have (Keli Roberts)", so I will probably add some heavier leg work after I get through the first couple of weeks of P90X as is.

I plan to start P90X in mid-August. I'm very excited about the possible upper body gains (I'm a HARDgainer ectomorph), but wonder if the leg work will be enough.

>Has anyone found their legs getting smaller from the lack of
>weight work for them in P90X? I'm only in week 2, but unless
>it's my imagination, my legs do seem smaller. Was there any
>explaination when P90X first came out as to why their was so
>little leg work? Mindi

I think that Plyo X and the yoga workout are also partly leg workouts. When P90X was being developed, they posted something in the "diaries" (at the Beach Body web site) that participants thought there was too much leg work originally (maybe there was another leg workout?). Maybe because of the yoga and Plyo X.

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