P90X/Cathe Rotation


I am finishing my P90X rotation and was wondering if any one can help me devise a rotation using both my Cathe and P90X DVDs. I have all of Cathe's DVDs. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you in advance,
Shan :)
I know I've posted this before, but here's a Cathe rotation based on P90X (you can also alternate weeks of P90X and Cathe, or do P90X weight work combined with Cathe, etc.). I like to use P90X as a template because it's set up so well:

Weeks 1-3:
Day 1: Slow and Heavy chest and back plus ab work
Day 2: IMAX 1 or IMAX 2 or any interval workout
Day 3: Slow and Heavy shoulders and arms (combine) plus abs
Day 4: Yoga workout of your choice
Day 5: Cathe leg workout of choice ( prefer PLB to Slow and Heavy) plus abs
Day 6: Kick/punch/crunch or Cardio kicks (or any cardio)
Day 7: rest or stretch

Week 4 (recovery):
Use P90X recovery workouts, or do something like this:
Day 1: yoga of your choice
Day 2: steady state cardio of choice'
Day 3: PH or other full-body weight workout, using light weights or any cardio+ weights combo using light weights
Day 4: stretch
Day 5: steady state cardio
Day 6: same as day 3
Day 7: rest or stretch

FOr weeks 5-7, substitute the PS workouts for Slow and HEavy

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