P90X cardio DVD's not advanced enough?


I've just completed my second week of P90X. I find the Plyometrics fun and a good workout. Kenpo is fun, but I don't get my heart rate up as much as I try. Tony and kids are sweating like crazy. I feel like Cathe has really raised my level of cardio fitness and this isn't doing it for me. I was curious for those who have done P90X, have you found this as well? Is the Cardio DVD in Phase 2 more challenging?
Cardio X is not nearly as challenging as Plyo X or even Kenpo. Are you really putting your all into Kenpo? It's actually not supposed to be an all-out cardio workout. That's now how P90X is designed. The only really heavy cardio is Plyo. Usually when I do Kenpo, I add the combos from one of the Powerstrikes.
p90x is about the whole rotation. I must say I can run better than I ever could with cathe.. after 2 years off running I ran 4 miles with no stops. I'm on week 10. Some folks need doubles, some need step, for me p90x works wonders. For me I did doubles in phase II, Phase III I'm back to classic (can't get in more than 1.5 hrs for workouts a day - at least until I'm empty nest next year) and feeling energized and going strong!

For me p90x has gotten me further than anything else (did cathe for 6 years). It all depends I guess. Some say p90x doesn't work their legs enough and my legs (trouble area) are more toned than ever. My body seems to do better with Tony's rotation. I tend to gain muscle pretty well am 5 2 and 112 with my lower body my "problem" area!

So I guess it is really what works for you. For me it's p90x. The yoga has had a huge positive effect on me as well. Sure wish cathe had that too.

As Shelly said some folks don't find KempoX challenging but I will go out on a limb and say they are not putting everything into it.

Hi Shelley! Hope all is well. I dont come on her as much but big Hello to you!
P90X is a program designed primarily for strength building. If you do too much or too intense cardio, you break down the muscle you've been building.

I'm definitely committed to sticking with the rotation and it sounds like it creates incredible results. I've been doing Cathe so long, I guess it's just a mindset. If I lose some of my endurance after the 90 days, I'll be able to use the new Cathe DVD's to crank it up!
Kenpo is one of those workouts where you really need to wear a HR monitor.

I also find it hard to stay in my zone with Kenpo. Tony repeatedly says during Kenpo to check your HR and if you are out of your zone to take it down a notch ....and if you are not in your zone to take it up a notch.
I second everything that Robyn said - stop thinking about your Cathe workouts and the intensity level there, and just give your all to the X rotation, and you won't be sorry. Again, as Robyn mentioned, I could EASILY just pick up and go for a good, solid 5 mile run mid X. I could NEVER, EVER do this when I was doing primarily a Cathe rotation. I don't know why, but the X not only maintained, but increased my cardio level. It's not about high intensity, all the time. It's about training intelligently, as a complete *program*, and that's what the X has done.

You won't lose your endurance - you'll be amazed at the strength and power you can give your Cathe's when you get back to them.

It took me a while to get used to the idea of lower intensity cardio. But moderate intensity, believe it or not, is the idea of that workout. Too much cardio will counteract your muscle growth - that's why there is only one high intensity cardio per week. But if you can't stay in your aerobic zone during this workout, try using weighted gloves or do another workout that you find more challenging (but not too challenging). You should be in the aerobic zone - not above or below. For the cardio during a doubles rotation and recovery, (Cardio X), the intensity is low to moderate.
Thanks everyone for your input on this! I appreciate your support and advice and it makes it much easier to trust a new rotation/instructor when you have people who have done it and understand where you're coming from.

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