P90X Back & Biceps Pull up Question


I'm trying to get all of my equipment, etc. sorted out to start this series. I have another question about pull ups: I exercise in my unfinished basement, and there really doesn't seem to be an easy way to install a bar. I'm interested in the door gym, but would have to put it on the door at the top of my basement stairs or just around the corner. So, when it comes to pull up time, I would have to run up my stairs and out of sight of the TV. Will this cause a problem, or do you think it will be ok to do the pullups (assisted) out of view of the TV and then return when I finish? I know this workout has a few series of pull ups. Any tips would be appreciated!

Before I set up my workout space, which is now near my pull-up bar, I would run to another room to do all the pull-ups and it was fine. Just make sure you watch and know what they're doing before you leave the room:)
Hi rebecca,

I'm on week 6, or phase 2 week 2 and I still haven't tried to do a pull up, I decided to strengthen with lat pull downs on our lat machine first. I may try pullups/chinups in the last phase, but I figured I would at least have to be able to handle my body weight or close to it with a pull down on the machine first.

I usually run into the next room and am able to pull 12-15 lat pull downs out and make it back into the next room just in time. So, you should be ok. YOu could also pause the dvd player too.

Good luck..it's a great rotation!

Thanks! Your responses really help. DH is really big on avoiding 'clutter' (AKA, my exercise stuff), and I know he would appreciate it if I could use the door gym vs. investing in one of the Pull up Towers. I think I'll probably get the Door Gym from Amazon and the Iron Woody assisted pull up bands.

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