P0X Series?


Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has the correct name for this series and if you could tell me a little about it. I remember hearing a lot about the series at some point and always want to add to my regime.

What do you think of this series?

Thanks and have a great day!
It's actually P90X and if you do a search, there are loads of threads on this subject. I am almost at the end of my P90X rotation (it's 90 days long) and have gotten great results. It's a grueling rotation but it's worth it. It only has 1 day of legs and 2 days of cardio (I did the Classic Rotation) (there is also a Lean rotation and a Doubles rotation which have more cardio). The amount for legs and cardio was enough for me but some people feel the need to add more. I found the more cardio I do, the more lean muscle mass I lose. There is also yoga once a week. I hadn't done yoga in a long time before this rotation and I have really come to love it and now I don't think I would do a rotation without it. Yoga X is a really long workout (92 mins.) and most people use a substitute for that one. I have subbed for this one as well but I still like it. I will post my results in another couple of weeks.

This is a post better suited for the open forums where anything can be discussed. This forum is really to be used to discuss Cathe's workouts, and no one else's.
Feel free to come over to the Xers check in and challenges to ask questions. There's two X checkins. Pick one to ask your questions. We're always willing to chat about the X with anyone interested.

Do you mean the P90X series?? If yes, I have been doing it and can give you more info. Let me know if this is what you were thinking about. Thanks,

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