P.E.T.A and Dr Atkins...they should be ashamed


Taken from T-nation.com

This year Dr. Robert Atkins died at age 72 after suffering a head injury from a fall on an icy sidewalk. While in a coma, his major organs failed and his body bloated up with 60 pounds of fluid, which is common in that situation. Sad story. But leave it to the now functionally insane PETA organization (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to make it even sadder.

After Atkins died, the group sent private medical records to the media and claimed that Atkins was obese because of his low carb diet. They did this through their front group, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (which is actually lead by a vegan psychiatrist.)

This isn't the first time PETA has used its pretend doctors group to misinform the public about nutrition. This is the same group largely responsible for keeping the "high protein diets are dangerous" myth alive. This year they ran full page ads in major publications which perpetuated every protein myth ever invented.

Now PETA has started another website, HealthySchoolLunches.org, which sounds good on the surface but is actually a backdoor attempt to get meat, milk and other dairy products out of school cafeterias. Remember, these are the same people who want parents who feed their kids meat to be charged with child abuse.

It seems PETA, once a fairly noble organization, has taken a "by any means necessary" approach. No wonder they're often referred to these days as the "vegan Taliban." Dirty tactics, false news reports, front groups with hidden agendas, misleading health and nutrition info… PETA has them all. And that's why we're giving them the Dirtbags of the Year award. We toast you with a nice glass of moo juice. Clink.
I used to be a member of PETA, but their methods turned me off. I agree with some of the things they stand for, but disagree with others. And also a little embarrassed by the misleading information that I witnessed (milk is bad. Milk is fattening and full of cholesterol. DUH! People who care about such things already know they're supposed to drink 1% or skim)

This is a hot topic, and I think it may get into an inflamed thread if people aren't careful. That's why I kept my specific opinions to myself.
I used to work at Johns Hopkins for the Director of the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. This was a very noble, SENSIBLE cause. They looked for ways to do away with animal testing when alternatives could be used with just as accurate outcomes. When no alternatives were available, they came up with guidelines to treat animals in the most humane way possible. You wouldn't believe the mail we received. One woman actually sent a letter stating that her husband just had open heart surgery and that if one animal had to die for him to have this surgery, she wouldn't have let him undergo the procedure :eek: . Guess she didn't realize that the operation was first performed on primates years ago and unfortunately, some died. Good thing for her dear hubby, huh? PETA used to pull some pretty awful tactics and ruined years of research for some pretty dedicated medical scientists. I think they would gain much more public support and sympathy if they used rational tactics instead of destruction. While I agree with a lot of what they stand for, I think the radical elements of the group do more harm than good. Of course, that stands true for a lot of worthy causes.

Those people are just awful. I used to work at the children's hospital in Norfolk, where PETA happens to be located. A group used to hold a rodeo fundraiser for the hospital, & PETA had the audacity to demonstrate in front of the hospital's front doors, blocking people from entering. And when I say "people," I mean mostly parents visiting their children, who might have cancer, AIDS, luekemia, you name it.

IMO PETA should take the "E" out of their name, b/c there's nothing ethical about them.
>IMO PETA should take the "E" out of their name, b/c there's
>nothing ethical about them.

I agree!! After a children’s show at a local arena, these PETA members were handing out flyers to children...yes, children, with a pic of a woman (displayed to be a mother) holding a rabbit on it's back and she is stabbing it (blood is squirting). It said something to the effect, Did you know your Mommy kills animals for dinner. They are a crazy group of people.
Ickymoley, this is the second thread you've brought this topic up in. It must really bug you.

What I don't like about PETA is that I agree with their goals and beliefs, but their tactics are often so agressive and off-putting that it really gives people a bad opinion of animal rights grpups. Other groups like Friends of Animals have many of the same goals and ideologies, but they are much better at trying to attain these goals through means that are not agressive to people.
Ugh, I agree with you..I can't stand them! Every time I see some idiot celebrity on T.V. working a fundraiser or something with them I just want to scream. If that amount of money and energy were directed to, say, autism research (I am biased because of my two boys) we might have a cure by now. BTW, "vegan Taliban" cracked me up! Pass the ham this Christmas and they can kiss my a**!
PETA people eating tasty animals.

There's room on this earth for all of God's creatures, right next to the greens and potatoes.

I hunt and fish. I teach Hunter Education and Bowhunter Education. Most of my fellow hunters have better ethics than those of the PETA members. The saddest thing I've ever seen is deer that is wasting away because someone thought it was cute to feed it during the summer, winter rolls around and it doesn't know how to feed itself. There aren't too many wolves in my area to balance that deer population, that would upset the farmers. So unless those PETA people want to thin the herds with the front ends of their Volvos and Saabs, I guess we better let people be predators.

After all we didn't claw our way to the top of the food chain to eat only fruit or vegetables that drop naturally from their plant as the exterem vegans profess.
Ally, I agree 100% with you on money going to better causes. I feel that diabetes, and Autism are two very important things that should have a cure by now. Diabetes for me is an importnant one because of my son, but I'm sure we all have our favorites!;)
PETA I dont' know much about, but I do know that there are celebrities that endorse it big time, and now that I know what they try to do, I can't say that it's a good organization.

I once saw a bumper sticker that really cracked me up:

"If God had wanted us not to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"

That said...please - any of you vegans who do it for morality reasons, I sincerely respect your choice. I just thought it was a funny bumper sticker.

I could never be a hunter (I don't even kill most bugs that I find in my house - flies and mosquitos are open game, spiders are usually left to find a nice corner to set up "home"), but I don't have any problem with legitimate hunters.
P.E.T.A i used to think were such good people. Now i'm disgusted with them. I wish the whole super model women would think twice before they pose "naked" for them. (i'd rather go naked than wear fur! Campain!). Hey, i'd rather go naked than wear fur, but in the case of helping support P.E.T.A i'd make an exception.

Gillette make contributions to support against animal testing, but because there products used to be animal tested P.E.T.A still cause soooooo much trouble for them. Disgusting.

I think animal testing is cruel, and i'm all for stopping it, but P.E.T.A is not the way to go out it.
I'm a vegetarian myself so I hope no one will flame me, but one of the funniest bumper stickers I ever saw said, "I love animals . . . they taste great!"

Bwah ha ha ha!
PETA originally came out against animal testing and the fur industry. Then they went extreme. A person can make the choice of what to eat without "eco-terrorists" attacking them.

I love animals even the ones I hunt, I have reverence and respect for all living things. I wouldn't spray deodorant in a rabbits eyes to see what the reaction is, I would never club a baby seal for its coat. When I take an animal, it will be eaten and the fur used. I have donated meat to food banks and soup kitchens through second harvest. My licensing fees pay the cost of the state's wildlife resource department, no money from the general population's income taxes are used. Sportspersons pay for the state's ecology in Vermont. The general public can help by making voluntary donations through special license plates or on their tax form. PETA and the other organizations haven't given one thin dime to the actual work of ecology. They're too busy raising our "awareness".

Without getting into the brand of religion we are all shepherds and stewards of this earth. We don't own it, we are borrowing it from the future. It is for us to manage and use.
Let me strongly point out first, that I am a "animal lover" and the common fly is proberly the only thing I could kill without feeling quilty


has any one got "another' way, then to use animals, to test products?

I dont give a hootin- nanny about eyeliners and lipstick - let the user "find" out if they cause a reaction, not the animals, BUT what about all the other testing we need for finding cures to terrible diseases and so forth?


Well said, dlavie!

A lot of folks don't realize that sportsmen and women are some of the most active conservationists.

BTW - Where in Vermont are you from? I'm in Leicester.
Marion good point.

In reality, is anything really non animal tested now adays. At some point some if not all of the ingrediants we are using in cosmetics were at one point in time tested on animals.

As for dis-eases...i'm not sure. I suppose if it really could cure all sickenss. I just don't know. Pain is pain and they suffer, hurt just like the rest of us, and i for one, would not like to have my eyes, ear, nose, etc... hurt.
I always wondered why they couldn't just use convicted murderers for testing stuff. I know I know, not the typical position of a Yankee liberal, but it seems to make sense.

Would love to see Maybelline testing their latest lipstick on Charles Manson.......:D
But Maximus.............that would be soooooooo wrong and unhuman right?

Charles Manson and his fellow convicts are NOTHING but animals anyway, so why not!



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