

Active Member
I'm writing because I always really like the posts on the Cathe site. And because I'm sure some of you have experienced what I am going through!!! I am just completely one hundred percent overwhelmed--I can hardly think of doing exercise! I recently graduated from law school where I worked out about 1.5 hours a day--it wasn't a problem. Now, I feel like my life is work, sleep, work, sleep...and I'm still tired! Every morning I set my alarm early and it never fails--I snooze as long as possible! Not to mention starting out with a career--and the money, life and general concerns that come with it. Anyhow, if anybody has any words of wisdom for me I would appreciate it tremendously!! I have lost so much confidence because I am not exercising like I used to so I know I need to buck up and crawl out of bed when I am supposed to...
Hi there,

I think I'm in the minority for not working out in the mornings
- when I get home from work, I have a little snack and then I workout before my momentum goes away. I can not get up early to workout that just doesn't work for me. Maybe it doesn't work for you either? Not everyone is a morning exerciser. Do you have any time at all between coming home from work and going to bed? Could you squeeze in a workout then?

Most importantly, don't let exercise, which is supposed to reduce stress, become an added stressor. My sister did that and wound up not working out at all, and not because she didn't have time but because she was so stressed out by it she started to resent it and decided she wasn't going to do it at all. And now, she's having to work really really hard to get back into shape to undo what that did. I'm talking about not working out for at least 6 months, not just missing a week or two. Just work out when you can, if you can't do it, don't stress out about it. Sounds like you are in a transitional period in your life, be kind to yourself!

Hey there :)

I, too, don't like exercise in the mornings (usually...miracles happen occasionally)... My trick sometimes is to not drink coffee all day, as it causes you to crash after a few hours. It's not easy, but then, about an hour before I go home I get a cup of coffee. When I get home, I'm usually revved and ready to work out. It helps tremendously if you try to look forward to it, and actually enjoy working out. In the summer time, when the days are longer, my body naturally wakes up around 7 or 8 pm and I LOVE to exercise then. You have to try to pay attention to when you body has its ups and downs, but with a brand new schedule that may be difficult. If you are used to working out, and enjoy it, chances are your "vacation" from it won't last too long, and you'll develop a routine that will allow you to fit it in. Like Jill said, stressing about it is the absolute worse thing you can do...it becomes a chore then and less likely to be done.

Good luck!
Let us know when you start exercising again

Maybe if you set some kind of a goal it will help motivate you. Like running a 5k or something like that.
(Think swimsuit season. That's a good motivator.:eek:) Also a new DVD might help. Maybe you just need something new and fresh.
For me, this time of year, doing something outside always changes the blues of working out in the basement all winter.
I know how you feel. I also am a lawyer and was in your position about 2-1/2 years ago. What got me out of the slump is just focusing on the fact that I needed a mind-body balance. If you are not healthy, you will not be able to do your job to the best of your ability. Also, keep in perspective what is important--YOU! and your family and friends and your life. Your firm or company will be there; the work will be there; the hours will be there; and the clients will be there (even if you are not).
Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
Hey Hillskip and Crunch,

Where did you guys go to law school?
Did you meet Bob Knight? He's my fav. guy. Is Texas Tech small? I know it's in Lubbock outside of the city.

I agree with Linda (Cruncholi) on learning how to take care of yourself. Its one of the most important aspects of your legal career to develop NOW, so that you will have a full career and no regrets.

The issue for me was a different one when I started my first position, but only because I became an Air Force JAG officer and physical fitness was just considered part of the job. But whether you are coming to the law as a 24 year-old (as I was 13 LONG years ago!) or as a 40 year-old "retrainee" the suggestions are the same. Only you can define what is important to you and how to cherish and protect those things. Don't let this be the beginning of a slippery slope... (Do you really want the lifestyle, health, or body of some of those senior partners?!?!)

Good luck! Keep us posted!


PS - To start remember that 5 or 10 minutes at a time will add up!
I never met Bob Knight but am a HUGE fan. I've seen him on the airplane but that's about it. TT has 20,000+ students--this is a guesstimate, but it is a larger university. It is actually in Lubbock and is a fairly large university area wise as well. It is a great school, I have to say!!!!!
I'm not in the same position as you are, but I know what it's like to feel guilty about not exercizing regularly. I work out when I get home from work, but have been putting in a lot of 10-12 hour days lately, so when I do get home I'm physically and mentally exhausted. Part of the reason I can't bring myself to exercize after a long day is because my workouts are usually 1-1 1/2 hours. The thought of a long intense workout was not motivating at all! So what I decided to do was on those days is just do a cardio section from CTX. Only 1/2 hour, but I always feel so much better just doing this small amount than doing nothing at all. Since you are used to working out for 1.5 hours each day, maybe cutting back would help get you back into a routine again. And there are some days when I just take the day off completely.

Hope this helps!

Wow - great advice everyone! Sounds like you are VERY motivated and will figure someway to fit it in. I agree with everyone DONT be TOO tough on yourself. If you miss a day it's not the end of the world and the goal is to destress!

Interestingly Im the TOTAL opposite of you! I'm (was) in high tech and was laid off several months ago! I am a single Mom and had a good career so was ALWAYS rushing from one thing to the rest!

When I lost my job it made me realize - yep this isn't great $$ wise (but we can live on a LOT less than we thought). Soon enough I'll get a good job but the REALLY important things are health, a good attitude, and family (what ever that means for you- for me it's my kids). But it's the really priceless things in life that mean the most!

Good luck sure you'll find a way to keep healthy and get that deSTRESSER in your life!

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