I have been reading the book by Debra Waterhouse "Outsmarting the Midlife Female Fat Cell". I'm only 1/2 through the book and have lost my motivation to finish reading it. Am I misunderstanding the author? (Wouldn't be the first time I misunderstood!) But it sounds to me like she's telling me "hey, you're gonna gain 15 more pounds in late 30's and 40's regardless, so just accept it". Is this the case or does she get down to business in the last half and tell me how to not gain during perimenopause? I hope the answer is yes so I will have the motivation to finish it. But if the answer's no, I don't want to waste any more time.
Anybody read this book and what did you think? I must be missing something.
Thanks and have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!!!
Anybody read this book and what did you think? I must be missing something.
Thanks and have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!!!