Wendy, I'm right there with you. YES things get better, but that is little console right now when you are in so much pain. Is there any bleeding? It won't harm Brooke to swallow blood. Your breasts are engorged, which does not mean that you have too much milk, but that the breast tissue is swollen. Start taking Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours, apply lots of lanolin on your nipples after every feeding. Also for the engorgement, take cold cabbage leaves (I'm not kidding, this works!) and put them in your bra for 20 minutes or so. The coolness will feel amazing, and the cabbage helps reduce the swelling. Just before you nurse, put a warm compress on your breast for about 5 minutes. It will soften them up a bit and help with the let down. I've just spent two days doing this, and my breasts are feeling fine again. Nursing on my left side is completely painless now, and the right side is almost painless.
How confident are you that the baby is latching on properly? I'm not saying that you are latching her on wrong, but if she is only feeding on the nipple, your problems will not get any better. Do you have a health nurse or a lactation consultant who can watch you feed?
I saw my midwife yesterday for the first post-natal visit and she told me that my problems were unavoidable because Kate is such a strong baby with a very vigorous suck. Since things are improving, rather than getting worse, I know I've got her latching on correctly. But with Paris, I was not latching her on correctly, and my problems continued for at least 2 months.
Keep it up, Wendy! Take the Ibuprofen. Soak in the bathtub with hot wash clothes on your breasts. After a feeding, rub some of the extra breast milk on the nipple; it's very soothing. Then put the Lanolin on. Cabbage leaves are your friend (even though your husband will look at you like you're insane when you tell him why he needs to go to the grocery store).
Let me know how it goes. I feel for you. It's super, super tough, but you are doing a great job.