Last week I did Muscle Endurance. While doing straight legged push ups with my extra long arms
I injured my shoulder and chest. There was a sharp burn pain that seemed to run in a straight line from my shoulder/chest area. I had some Celbrex on hand and have been taking it the past two days. Sometimes it feels like a paper cut.
Have any of you girls had this kind of injury? How are you all coping with downtime or have coped with downtime? Are you sitting it out completely or working the non-injured part? So far I've been doing step, lower body and treadmill. I haven't used my barbell and I don't think I'd better use the dumbbells again on the lower body workout until I heal. Did that, wasn't good idea.
Misery loves company as they say. LOL So I'm interested in having some company.

Have any of you girls had this kind of injury? How are you all coping with downtime or have coped with downtime? Are you sitting it out completely or working the non-injured part? So far I've been doing step, lower body and treadmill. I haven't used my barbell and I don't think I'd better use the dumbbells again on the lower body workout until I heal. Did that, wasn't good idea.
Misery loves company as they say. LOL So I'm interested in having some company.