

Last week I did Muscle Endurance. While doing straight legged push ups with my extra long arms :D I injured my shoulder and chest. There was a sharp burn pain that seemed to run in a straight line from my shoulder/chest area. I had some Celbrex on hand and have been taking it the past two days. Sometimes it feels like a paper cut.

Have any of you girls had this kind of injury? How are you all coping with downtime or have coped with downtime? Are you sitting it out completely or working the non-injured part? So far I've been doing step, lower body and treadmill. I haven't used my barbell and I don't think I'd better use the dumbbells again on the lower body workout until I heal. Did that, wasn't good idea. :(
Misery loves company as they say. LOL So I'm interested in having some company. :D:D:D
Hey Wanda,

Keep an eye on that! If the pain doesn't go away in just a few days, you may want to see your doctor. I know, "duh" right. But seriously, I've had a small rotator cuff tear & "paper cut" is the best way to describe it. Like a burning, stinging, right?

Because we're talking about your shoulder, like my back, you really need to sit it out. I know that sucks but if it's a rotator tear, you can make it worse by lifting too much. Besides, I don't know if you've seen my posts from early on after I finally started back--I'm now lifting heavier than before I fell off the ball! And I increase almost every time now. So, I think the rest did my body some good.

Take care of that & keep us posted on how you feel in a few days. Ok?
Thanks Deborah for your reply. I remember how you had a terrible time getting your back to straighten up when you first got injured. I was sure hoping at the time that you'd be healed up to go see and workout with Cathe.
Did the Doctor put anything on it...topical pain reliever? What did you use for pain?
My pain goes more down to the chest, but shoulder is sore as well. Two years ago I dropped the barbell on my chest while doing those floor hamstring exercises in Strong Legs and Abs. How many people can do that? LOL Cathe was serious when she said to be careful putting the barbell aside after that workout. :D
After that kind of injury, you hate to tell people what you actually DID to yourself. You want to say something macho like: 'an old football injury is acting up' Certainly not...'I dropped a barbell on my chest.':p

And yes, the pain is burning, stinging. Definately not DOMS. Grrrr.
I used a heating pad but I've heard that those smelly creams -- Ben Gay & Icy Hot -- are pretty good for the pain. You just have to do a lot of explaining if you use them while out in the general public. LOL

I actually dropped a barbell on my face once! Fortunately, I "caught" it coming down & turned my head so I only got a bruise on my check. You want to talk about explaining! People thought DH had punched me. But when I showed them the "narrowness & straightness" of the bruise, they at least pretended to believe me. Fortunately, I had never had bruises before or since so he was "off the hook."
Well I'm still sitting it out with upper body work. Yet I'm thankful to get to work the lower body. At least I'm getting some Cathe workouts in. I've been injured the other way around before and I definately didn't like that!x(

I've been doing cardio and lower body work. So as not to miss Boot Camp and the other workouts too much, I've been mixing and matching pre-mixes to equal an hour of cardio. Then I've taken just the lower body parts and put them together to equal an hour.
So hopefully when my shoulder and chest heals, I will not have lost too much in muscle strength. At least it shouldn't take long to get back up to speed. I'm hoping anyway. :D
Doctor says I tore a muscle so it will take more than a few days to heal.

I've had to watch the side plank core work. It is amazing how much you can use the shoulders on that. This injury has taught me to really be alert to having the core do the lifting and not rely on the shoulders.
Hi Wanda,

Well, if misery loves company you'll be happy to know I broke my big toe yesterday!:eek: I kicked my stability ball out from underneath the table and yes, actually broke my toe. Dor!! I once fell on my 14" box and broke my nose and had to have reconstructive surgery. Working out is a risky business, eh? Hey, Deborah, maybe we should compare war stories :+

Wanda, I hope your shoulder heals quickly. Take care. My brother is a wrestling coach and he tore his once. He didn't take care of the problem and had a lot of trouble with it.

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

Hi Sherry,
So sorry about your toe. It is amazing what all a big toe does for us. It is very hard to do step workouts, unless you just want to hop on one foot.LOL Even the little toe is necessary in order to have balance. The pain doesn't feel too good either. :D Do you have to use a crutch to get around?
Yes exercising can be dangerous, especially if one is accident prone like me. }(
My DH broke his toe last week. He wasn't exercising, but a Sow stepped on it. (we're hog farmers :D) His whole foot is black and blue.
I've always heard that it is best not to exercise an injured area until until you are pain free during rest. So far, I'm not pain free yet. Drat! I was getting great definition in my shoulders, biceps and triceps too...grrrr

Keep thinking: muscle memory...muscle memory...right? :D

Thanks for joining in my pity party. LOL Does your brother keep re-injuring his shoulder since perhaps it didn't have time to heal right during the first injury?

BTW, I looked at your pictures. I envy your ability to do those pikes on the ball. I can only do them if the ball is secured by a wall. LOL You are in great shape too. You should be proud of all your hard work.
Sherry, I just have to say that after seeing your pictures I believe you could kick the stability ball clean out of the country....no wonder you broke your toe girl, are you aware of your own strength?????

Seriously....I hope your toe heals quickly and Wanda be careful!!!! Take it slow and safe!!!

My update for this week. I added in some bicep curls, tricep extentions and lat rows. Doing chest and shoulder work is still a big No. There still is pain in the chest, right above the breast. I injured this area 2 years ago by dropping a barbell on it. :D With my shoulder still being achy and I get a twinge, on occasion, when I raise my arm over my head, I'm sitting out working this area, a little while longer.

I'm working bi's, tri's and lats, very slowly, very controled. Doing a two and three count as opposed to single counts. Also I'm using lighter weights. This doesn't seem to bother the injured area at this time.

I'm looking forward to healing up so as to join a group of you girls on some kind of a rotation for summer.

Sherry, if you see this, I hope your toe is much much better by now and you are back to doing some of your aerobics. I still envy your arms. Wow!
Hopefully Wanda, I won't be joining you in the "misery" department! I broke my toe last Summer, so I can relate. Sorry to hear of your injury but glad to hear you are able to work around it. This educated crowd sure knows what to do, don't we??? We get our Cathe somehow or another! Good Luck & heal FAST!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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