OT finally moving, dh music cd finished


Hi all,
I have asked in the past (on this site) about places in the country to move, and what people liked about their areas. And I have been planning to move for some time now. We are going to visit all the places on the list and see which we like the best (ie, Harrisburg, State College and Williamsport PA, Ohio, NC and Tn). I am so excited because I have been waiting for this move for so long. My husband has been working on a music CD for over 4 years now and for those that like classic/folk rock and roll written from a Chrisitian artist with lyrics that uplift and sooth the soul, you can check it out on the link below.
NOW, I just want to add, the cd's been done a few wks now, and I didn't want to post this news sounding like I'm selling anything, so I took time to think about it. I am against spam and all it stands for. I thought this was not like that and there might be some people who might want to know about it, and check it out so I decided to post this good news. Sorry if it offends anyone.
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.:)
I do remember your post lastyear regarding Harrisburg. I replied lastyear, and gave you some ideas of where you may want to build a home. I still live in Harrisburg, and I love it! I am originally from NE PA, and I know a little about Williamsport and State College If you have any more questions about the Harrisburg area, please ask:

E-mail me at [email protected]

That's great news that your husband is finally finished! What an accomplishment!:)
thanks so much for your post. :)
I will e-mail you this wk. with one question I have about the area that I have not been able to find out throgh research. Thanks for the offer.
http://www.glennhansenmusic.com The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist Glenn Hansen.
Thanks Faythe for sharing this with us. Congratulations to you & your hubby. I'm sure it has been a long four years but sooo worthwhile. Very nice website. I will check it out more. BTW, I am from Ohio and after this past winter, I am thinking a southern state sounds very tempting!:p
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yeah, I don't want to live in a place where we can be hit by snow like we did this year, again. But if it's better for my dh's music career, that's what we'll do. I hear Christian music is big in Ohio, in the Akron area. So we will be checking that area out. I hope you enjoy the website, dh put so much work into it. He works on that every night til midnight most nights.
He did the whole thing himself, and he had to teach himself how to do it. Thanks for responding to my post.
btw, where are you from in Ohio?
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
Hi Faythe~We have a great Christian station out of Cleveland called "The Fish".(95.5) We live in-between the Akron-Canton area, approximately an hour from Cleveland. I will be checking out the website some more. Does your DH workout with you?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
thanks for the info re: the radio station. That is good to know. re: does my dh workout. LOL...He has never been heavy, but now in his mid 30's he has to start to do something. He use to be athletic when he had time. He works from after breakfast til midnight. Only taking breaks to eat. I keep on him about scheduling time. He actually wants to. I'm hoping after we are finished packing and settling down wherever we wind up, he will make it part of his daily schedule. He wants to. He mentioned getting a pair of roller blades and I will do weight work with him. He can walk, and his heart is in good shape, so I guess the answer to that is, he will be soon. He never says he's going to do something unless he has full intention on doing it. So I know he will.
the 2 area's we are looking at in Ohio are Akron and outside Cleveland. There's a church in Chagrin Falls we would want to go to if we are in that area.

The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.

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