OT: Comfortable Thongs?


Has anyone found a comfortable thong panty? I have tried numerous brands and I can't stand them for five minutes. My friend says that Victoria Secret makes a comfortable thong but is there really such a thing? I'm beginning to think that people who wear thongs must sacrifice comfort for the smooth look something that I just can't do.

I really hate panty lines with scretch capris though. Any advice?
Hi. It took a while for me to get used to wearing thongs. Now I love them! Victoria's Secret does make a good one, very teeny tiny so you can wear pretty low riding pants without letting everyone know what color underwear you have on! ;-) I looked on the tag of mine, but it doesn't give a style name... It is probably their tiniest one, so if you ask they may be able to help.
I am also one who used to think that thongs were horribly uncomfortable, and couldn't understand why some women thought them so comfy! There was a thread not too long back on one of the fitness message boards (not sure where, sorry!) discussing thongs and some great tips were given to make thong wearing easier. Here are a couple of things I learned:

Wear a size larger thong than you do in regular underwear. This really works.

Wear "microfiber" thongs. They really do feel better.

My latest thong purchase was one by Maidenform. It wasn't microfiber, but it is lace all over and when I wear it, I can barely tell it's there!

Jeanne :)
Jeanne brings a great point - a thong a size larger than you noramlly wear helps a great deal! I love them and usually only wear normal underwear when I work out (I find that things tend to bunch much easier when I'm squatting and lunging off the side of my step). ;-) I don't feel that I'm sacrificing comfort at all - in fact I wear them BECAUSE they're comfy! I mostly wear trousers in the office and am not worried at all about a panty line - I think they're natural. I just love my thongs more than any others.

I wear Victoria Secret, the Body Bare line. They never have a big selection for this line, but the thongs are the most comfortable (IMO) and they sit low so you can wear the low cut jeans with them.
I wear the same size with Body Bare than I do in other undies, but I do see the point about going up a size. Talk about uncomfortable when the thong is too small!
Victoria's Secret Body By Victoria (different from the above mentioned Body Bare). Incredibly comfortable. It's the only underwear I own now, including bras and regular panties. Every season they come out with new colors and right now they are having a clearance sale and they are only $5.99 each (regularly $12) Check out their website!

Thanks for the info....I'm going to check this out this AM. Hate them stinking panty lines!
I bought some too and cannot stand them. However, when I go to martial arts, I get such a atomic wedgy. I cannot tell you how much proper kicking and moving can make your undies really bunch up in the wrong places. Talk about panty twists!

So, out of shear hopelessness of ever being able to wear normal undies to practice, I've resorted to thongs.

I still am not used to them to wear them often, but hey ... when I'm getting beat on from martial arts ... I don't even notice that I have them on.

Keta. :D

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I too vote for Victoria's Secret and also Jockey. Going a size up is truly key. Also, baby powder on the thong strip in the back helps. And BTW, I tried the new thong panty liners, can't believe they actually work! Awesome!
Wow! thanks for that tip on the liners! We learn SO much here! ;-)
My trip to Vicki's Secret

I went to the local mall today to get some Body by Victoria thongs. I found a table full of them, then some young chick (let's face it, they are ALL young chicks in there) asked me if I wanted to be measured for a bra, since a VS measuring pro was in-house for the day. Even tho I wasn't in the market for a bra, I said, "Why not?'

Says she: What size do you normally wear?

Says I: 38A

Says she (after measuring me): You're a 36.

After she comes back with a sample for me to try on, she says: How does that feel?

I says: Empty.

She has me try on another one, (a 36AA!!!!!!!!!) and says: How does that feel?

I says: Too tight. How depressing, it's a AA!

She says: You don't want to have it looser, you need the support.

I says: To support WHAT?

She says: So you don't flop.

I says: I DON'T flop, I have nothing TO flop!

She insists I need support, and that I should wear it tight.

She was VERY disappointed when I declined to buy a bra today, but I told her I was not in there for a bra, only thongs.

I bought 3 thongs bigger than I would normally wear, against the advice of the little thing who was manning the panty table.

I did not follow the advice of the women of VS, but came away with thongs that don't feel half bad, and resolved to keep wearin' my comfy sports bras.

Ha ha Honeybunch!

That is too funny! I can hardly stand to go in that store. Actually, I just found a bunch of thongs today at TJMaxx. Love that place--no sales pressure at all.
I'm with you on the "nothing-to-flop-need-no-support" thing!
Oh well.
Cosabella thongs are the best, but expensive. I got mine at Nordstrom, I don't know where else they sell them.

Someone here mentioned that they where baby powder in their thong. I would be careful about that because I read in SHAPE that powder worn down around there can somehow lead to ovarian cancer.

Enjoy those thongs ladies!
I wanted to add to the baby powder thing--I know from experience powder in your panties can lead to a WHOLE lot of trouble--yeast & other types of female infections. Be careful witht that.

Personally, I wear the teeny-tiny VS thongs in my regular size. The only time I have trouble with them is when I am doing squats & plies! YIKES!

And honeybunch, I got the same type of measurement treatment at VS. I went in thinking 34A, was told 34AA & that they don't even make that size at VS. The sales girl suggested I try Limited Too as they do & they are the same bra manufacturer. How discouraging to be told to go by a bra where most kids start their "training bra" shopping & I'm 38!!!!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-02 AT 09:12AM (Est)[/font][p]>And honeybunch, I got the same
>type of measurement treatment at
>VS. I went in
>thinking 34A, was told 34AA
>& that they don't even
>make that size at VS.

Hmmm.... I think your sales girl didn't know her VS stuff! ;-)

I was in there just the other day and saw several 34AA bras in one particular style. Granted, it wasn't a style I particularly cared for (too much padding), but it definitely came in size 34AA!
Also, I have purchased 34AA bras from the VS catalog.

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