OT: Anyone giving up anything for Lent?


Just curious...

I am going to give up sugar. That is really the last piece in cleaning up my diet, and will be the hardest. I am an ice cream addict!!

When does Lent start--I so DESEPARATELY want to give up something. I tried it once, some years ago, with the thing I love the most and I failed;( ;( ;( ;(, BREAD. I am such a failure;( ;( ;( ;( , but I if I can focus solely on the true meaning of lent then I shouldn't fail.

GOSH what an awful sinner I amx( x( x( x(

Haydee, good lord, cut that out! Why do you have to give up the thing you love the most? Sheesh! I mean, I don't know the true meaning of lent myself, but maybe you could pick something you love but that you know you can stick to, that way you can have your beloved bread & not feel crappy about yourself.
Haydee don't be so hard on yourself. We are only human.

I personally make it point not to do drastic dietary changes during lent. One of my mainstay lenten behavior changes is prohibiting radio play in the car. My kids and I enjoy some amazing conversations! For any taxi driving Mom out there I'm sure you can relate to the challenge of this!
Other lenten changes I try to adopt are to be more positive and not complain at all. Often times in casual converstion I will notice negative comments (by myself and others). My lenten goal is to aviod them at all costs.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

I'm hoping to give up cellulite - but it doesn't look like THAT's going to happen. ;-)

Instead, I'll try giving up swearing (like I do every year.)

- Shopgirl
Not Catholic and Episcopalians don't give up for Lent as part of our religion. So...I'm not giving up anything. Well, maybe I could give up shopping on eBay.
Baptist here and I am not giving up anymore anyhow whether Baptist or not! No sir! I have nothing left to give up in the food dept...my diet is about is bland as it gets most times. I have adjusted to the leathery taste of chocolate protein bars and the likes thereof. The only sweets I get is from fruits and I am not giving that up or I will have to be sent away.
Maximus & Judy I will take your advise and try not beat up on myself.

Yes, I am human and I will make mistakes, but I hate it so much that I can't eat right for three consecutive days in a row. I'm not a salad person, my veggies are sooooooo limited, I HATE oatmeal. It's like I will start out right in the a.m. by working out hard, have a protein shake afterwards, get to work have a halfway decent breakfast: 2 eggs, beef sausage & cheese, maybe have an Atkins shake around 11:30/noon....lunch will consist of sauteed chicken with broccoli or just meats (ribs, chicken, beef) and then after 3 all hell breaks loose with the junk, b/c there's usually nothing to do here but read the threads over & over again, and I start to feel really lousy and bad that I had junk. When I get home I usually won't have a decent meal b/c my help is needed in the gym and I wind up having crackers w/pb or another protein shake. It's a wonder I still have a muscular body.

I got issues.

I apologize for the lengthy message.

Yes - chocolate (all forms), my daily muffin & going to the bakery every Sunday for breakfast pastries for me and the kids.;(
uhm.... let's see... how about cathe workouts!

ya... like THAT's gonna happen!

really.. i'm not catholic so i don't do the "giving up" thing!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>Just curious...
>I am going to give up sugar. That is really the last piece in
>cleaning up my diet, and will be the hardest. I am an ice
>cream addict!!

you can still have ice cream.. buy the no sugar added (maybe i shouldn't be telling you this!) but seriously.. give it up totally for the 40 days... then if you feel you can do it.. add back the no sugar added.. i LOVE.. uhm.. breyers (or is it dreyers? grrrrr can never keep them figured out!) anyways... chocolate brownie fudge 94% (98%?) fat free.. no sugar added.. 90 calories!

i also like whichever brand the choco isn't (dreyers i think cookie dough!

but you may want to ween yourself completely before you try them!
cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Haydee - Lent starts today Ash Wednesday!

I'm giving up soft drinks. The baby doesn't need it and neither do I. Other than that I'm not going to give up anything else. Soft drinks are hard enough for me as it is. Also I don't know yet what food cravings I may have over the next couple of months. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks Kristi and congrats on your 2nd child.

Ok I was having a pity party by myself. But I think everyone else would have one if their lifestyle was like mine. I placed my situation somewhere else on OD.

My main reason for not eating the way I should is simply b/c I don't have a kitchen and everything else that comes with a kitchen. Alot of times I have to order out and that gets VERY expensive. I really don't have anywhere else to go to cook a decent meal other than my MIL and God in heaven knows I can't....will keep all comments to myself b/c He may strike me for typing things about her. I know some of you will probably say, overlook her and get in that kitchen & cook...it just can't happen. I once punched her in the shoulder...so no need to get into any further details.

My dh & I cannot afford a house much less an apt. at the moment--we just opened our gym, small one, and it has not brought in enough $$$ for me to quit my job.....that's enough detail, so you guys get my drift. So when I said I have a weird life, believe I do. I will now leave my pity party and do what I have to. So I'm giving up junk for 40 days:+

Thanks to everyone for listening/reading.

>You don't have a kitchen? My god Haydee, you've found my
>perfect house! :7

You're too funny--you just put a big smile on my face:7 .


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