Osteoporosis & Fosamax


I'm 25 and a recent bone density exam showed osteoporosis - a step down from a bone density exam 1 1/2 years ago (which showed Osteopenia).

Blood tests all say I'm perfectly normal - no calcium problems or estrogen problems. I lift weights and exercise regularly, get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, take birth control (estrogen).

Endocrinologist suggests I consider Fosamax but informed me no studies are available on the results with women my age. She also told me that Bone Density exams are not entirely reliable as studies are done on post-menopause women, not younger women. Does anyone have this problem or know of some resources I can check out? I'd rather not take medications for this but I don't see any other alternatives as I'm meeting the guidelines for diet and excercise.
Help please!
Hi kellib,

I'm 37 and was shown to have osteopenia about a year and a half ago. As with you, my blood tests were all normal as well. My specialist gave me Fosamax which I took daily until I went off the pill a year ago (he strongly advised against taking them in case I became pregnant - and I am now 14 weeks pregnant with my 4th child).

I had seen an article in Prevention magazine regarding bone density and Fosamax that sounds similar to what your endocrinologist was suggesting. I showed it to my doctor, who had not heard of this. So, all in all, I guess I am as confused as you and would love to hear any information and advice that is available.

On another note, I purchased the book "The Bone Density Diet" and find it to be full of excellent information. It explains Fosamax and various other forms of medication as well as how diet affects our bones. I highly recommend it.

Thanks Sandi. Is the book by Dr. George Kessler? I think I found it on half.com.

So you took Fosamax for about half a year, right? Did you have a follow up bone density exam? I'm guessing no as you're pregnant now (congrats!) and I would think you couldn't have one while you're pregnant.
When I was 48 (two years ago) I had a bone density test which showed significant osteoporosis. The endocrinologist who read the results ordered blood work and a 24 hour urine collection, which showed that I was not losing bone. Apparently I never built enough bone density in my developing years. She told me that Fosomax is only useful to stop continuing bone loss. Since I wasn't losing bone, there was no point in taking it. I don't know if this is your situation, but you might ask your doctor about it.

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