Did y'all catch that show yesterday?! Sensational! Not just Coretta Scott King, but all the rest! One big thing you may have gotten out of the show, is how much better some of those folks looked when they quit hiding behind big, baggy clothes! I just, in the last year, came out of my baggy pant mode and began to wear stretch pants (not "leggings," per say, but pants with a lycra or spandex blend). Even if your legs are not the slender type, you WILL look thinner in pants that FIT.
Another good tip was to re-evaluate your hair style every two years, and your glasses, too! I have to do some serious frame shopping soon.
Please take this lesson to heart,all you baggy clothes folks! You KNOW who you are!
Step out of your box and....Just Do It! :7
Another good tip was to re-evaluate your hair style every two years, and your glasses, too! I have to do some serious frame shopping soon.
Please take this lesson to heart,all you baggy clothes folks! You KNOW who you are!
Step out of your box and....Just Do It! :7