Opinions on New Balance Cross Trainers?


I usually wear Ryka but have not been able to buy a new pair with money so tight. Last night my MIL gave me a gift card to LL Bean (early Xmas present) and they carry New Balance cross trainers, 622s to be exact, so I am thinking of leaving Rykas for now.

Any opinions on these?


I don't have 622's but I have NB 504's and am very happy with them. I've worn NB's for years on and off and have always loved them. Hopefully you will love them too. :)
I haven't had a pair of New Balance shoes in a long time but I've always loved them. Is there a store near you that carries that particular shoe? It would be great if you could try them on before ordering.
I haven't worn NB for a while either, but I loved them. And I don't remember thinking the Rykas were any better than the NB when I made the switch.
I had 2 pairs of Xtrainers 608's. But I found the NB running shoe is lighter for cardio workouts, so have 2 pairs of those. One is a size larger to run in. They are 767's.
I tried both NB and Rykas and ended up sending back the Rykas. I've been pretty happy with them. I'll keep them until they wear out, but I confess I've had my eye on Nike lately.
Love my 622's

I bought a pair in early October and LOVE them. They so light and comfortable. I work out 6 days a week, so support and comfort are very important to me. I bought mine at Dick's sporting goods store after I found them cheaper there than LL Bean. Plus, I could try them on first and see which width fit better. I've never owned a pair of Ryka's so I can't compare them for you.

Thanks guys! I'm gonna order them. Now the only question is, do I wait till after Xmas in case they go on sale. Hmmm. :D
I'm with netsnotes. I prefer the running shoes to the cross-trainers, even though I don't run. They seem to be great for everything. Mine are also the 767s.
I found my first pair of 767's at Goodwill. They had a good life span left. My foot doctor recommended going higher in the 1000's, of course these are more expensive. I found my second pair on eBay. My friend gave me two pairs of NB but I am not sure of the number. They feel a little bit heavier, I wear those to walk around in and do errands etc. My greatest find is a pair of Saucouncy at a garage sale brand new for 2.00. These shoes are sooo light and comfortable. They are a little to large to do aerobics in but great for running.

I did see Ryka's at TJMaxx/Marshalls. I think if I had gotten one more pair of shoes, I would have been banished (ditto for workouts and equipment-but heh, banishment is not bad, I just sneak it in :D )

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