Opinions on Body Rx eating


Has anyone had success with this? I don't think I'll do the workout portion, and I couldn't give up cardio, but the eating plan is interesting. I'm curious if anyone has any advice. I'm a carbohydrate junkie, and I know that's not good.
Well I'm going to start my 2nd round of BRX on Sunday. I lost 23lbs my first go around and am very pleased with my inches lost and my muscle gain.

I do the workout too, but I tweak it so it works w/Cathe's videos.
Hi Elaine123 and Mindi:

Mindi: What is your Cathe rotation that works with BodyRX?
Your results are impresive! I think that I might try it!Thanks!
Hi Barbie. :) Well the Cycle 1 part of BRX calls for heavy lifting, 3 sets of about 6 reps w/a 3min. rest in between. So for that I use Slow&Heavy, follow the exercises, but when Cathe's doing 8 reps or so, I'm resting. Or if its not enough time, I pause it. For C2 and 3, I've used MIS and PS successfully, usually by having the video running while I'm working out and again I follow the exercises while doing my sets and reps, not exactly what Cathe's doing but I love having it on and checking for form while I'm working out. I've been known to do MIS legs twice in a row, etc, to make it work.

Like the book says, the nutrition is 70% of the plan, so I don't think tweaking the workout is a problem at all! I don't really do much cardio..now and then I throw in a Taebo workout, its really the only kind of cardio I can stand! I've always hated cardio so this plan is tailor made for me! LOL

I'm going back to C1 this weekend and I'm going to try tweaking it a bit more, adding more good fats, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, and going even heavier on my workouts. I want that muscle!!!! Its what's eating up this #^$%#^ fat!
Mindi, about that eating...I'm worried that I'm eating way too much. Even though it's a green carbohydrate, I still feel like I'm eating all of the time. Sometimes I'm still hungry. Do you eat avacados? I was surprised to see them on the green list. I've always thought they were fattening... I know I'm asking you lots of questions, but here's one more...Do you think that doing less cardio helps to curb your appetite when you're on bodyrx?
Elaine you have to throw out everything you've been taught about eating when you start this plan and its hard to do! I know! I eat an avocodo every single day! The whole avocado! Good fats and plenty of fiber flush out that fat. Actually my appetite has increased a lot since starting this workout plan, which is GOOD cause I know it means I'm building muscle.

Who'd have thought that one could EAT and lose fat?? Not me! But now I'm a believer. I watch the sugar, I watch the refined carbs and I do my best to steer clear of fructose in any shape or form. I watch my yellow carb intake as well, but for green foods? If I'm hungry? I eat! :)

I'm also planning to give this plan a try. Do you really manage to eat all of the protein his plan calls for?

Today I tried to lift heavy on the chest press - I cannot comfortably lift off the floor what I could press for only 6 reps. Have you had that problem?

Thanks for your info -

Yup I do Rhonda and in Cycle 3 its not easy! But I used some whey protein supplements to help. This time around tho I'm going to do my best to get my protein and fiber counts from real food as much as possible. Nothing wrong w/grabbing a shake now and then to help out but I think the fresher the food and the less processed it is, the better it is for the body.

Hope that helps!

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