Opinions needed on a rotation incorporating 3 days of running


I am going to start running ( it will no doubt at first be a run/walk) 3x/wk. I need to figure out what else to do the other 3 days. I'm also looking to lose weight so I'm concerned about getting lots of cardio in wihtout losing any strength so I need to keep that in mind. Here's the various rotations I've come up with:

Option 1: do 3 days of Circuits alternating the 3 days of running. Possible problem: not enough strength work?

Option 2: Full cardio 3x/wk, 3x running, plus 1 body part per day after the cardio.

Option 3: 3x/running, 3 day split of weights (Gym Styles or whatever) no extra cardio.
Problem: I'm concerned the running won't be enough cardio for my weight loss goal

Option 4: 2x full body weights, 1x hour cardio, 3x running

Option 5: 2x full body weights, 2x cardio, 3x running...this would mean doubling up on one day and doing weights and cardio. Probably a weekend.

Which would be the best option? I'm about the most indecisive person you'll ever meet. thanks!
If I were trying to lose weight I'd go with option 2 or option 5. Definately work your way up to running so you don't get injured. That would be a drag!
What kind of cardio do you do now? IMAXes? Interval workouts are very time efficient and give you the most bang for your buck, cardiowise, IMO.

Of the options you listed, I lean toward the three days of running, three day split workout. Running is a very efficient calorie burner, so I wouldn't think you'd need another cardio for now (unless you cross train---which is always a good idea--and do two days of running, spaced throughout the week, and one other cardio.

Another suggestion: 3 days of running alternating with three days of total body weights, emphasizing upper body. At least for now. Once you get used to this program, you can try different configurations.

I'm with Elaine: be sure to move into running gradually. Maybe two days a week at first (or a "walk/run" progression three days a week, with more walking at first, and/or one workout that is mostly walking).
Just a word of caution, I would not start out running 3x a week if you are not a runner now unless it is for only 2 miles or less - it seriously increases your risk for injury and stress fractures. It would be safter to start out running 1 or 2 weeks doing no more than 3 miles 1x a week, and then for week 3&4 do 2 miles 2x (four miles), then you can add 1 mile per week since your body will have adapted to running. You use muscles you never even knew that you had when you run and you don't want to overuse them, especially early on. You are going to be sore anyways and you don't want to add injury to that.

That being said, I am so happy that you are going to start running, there is no high like it! It makes you feel so good when you finish!

As far as your options, I like #2. You get a lot of cardio, good crosstraining, and working one part per day will let you really axhaust muscle groups and allows plenty of rest to build muscle, boosting metabolism even more!

Let us know what you decide and have fun!!!

I've been running off and on for about 2 yrs. I'm currently "off". But I'd like to get back into it. My plan is to follow Galloway's run/walk. I'm just concerned that doing just 3 days of that is not nearly enough cardio for me to lose wieght which is another huge goal. Maybe I could do this:

M- weights (PS, GS, SH), 30 mins of cardio
T- run
W- weights (PS, GS, SH), 30 mins of cardio
TH- run
S- weights (PS, GS, SH), 30 mins of cardio
S- long run

Please keep in mind I'm talking 30-45 mins of running on T-TH and starting at 3 miles for S.
I think this looks like a really good schedule. As long as you are moving into the running starting with a walk/run increase to a run/walk and eventually an all run. The only thing I'm looking at here is after your long run on Sunday, you might want to either skip cardio all together or make it a low impact cardio. I like to take a day off after a long run. But, other than that I think it's a really good program for moving back into running. Have fun:)
Cool! I think I finally hit on the rotation that I like the best. Eventually after my miles really get long I'll change things a bit to adjust to that. Thanks!

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