Opinion of Supersets/Push Pull DVD

If you have this DVD will you share your opinion? I don't want to buy it unless it is highly regarded by the regular Cathe users.

Thanks so much
I have shared my story with pushpull/superset dvd before-in a nutshell I bought it when it first came out and hated it.I couldn't find a way or so I thought to fit it into my lifting program (didn't give it a chance).I recently saw it on fit tv and immediately reaquired it.I love the push pull 3 times thru premixes kind of reminds me of p90x.superset is really fun I have done pushpull more than supersets but love them both.I think push pull may have knocked the pyrmids out of my favorite strength workout spot.The premixes are great I wish there was one combining both but there isn't.I think I was trying to compare bodyblast series to the intensity series and was disappointed in them at first-now I love the whole series except for step blast/step jump and pump dvd I have rebought them.and now I am regretting getting rid of some of my hardcores and plan on buying them back.I will learn just to keep every workout one day.
The pushpull/superset workouts are shown on fit tv sometimes.The workout as made is 2 full body workouts and lots of premixes.The ab work on superset is good but not long and pushpull is a really short ab segment.
I enjoy this DVD. supersets is a nice stability ball workout.

These workouts give you a nice total body workout in 44 - 50 min. They are great when you want a total body workout but don't feel like endless reps.
I like them as produced for short/less intense lifting days. I use the premixes. I also printed off an upper body workout that utlizes both SS and PP that I really enjoy for a very complete upper body workout. I've used the lower body portions in conjunction with lower body circuits for a completely frying lower body workout. I think they are very versatile and I like the music. I like having different types of workouts to choose from and have found a place for all my Cathe workouts.
I like this DVD especially for it's premixes. I love the leg blast on Supersets. It's only 30 min. long, but you will feel it.
Personally I like these alot too. I know a lot of folks weren't crazy about them. I've come to really like them. The fact they are shorter is great too.
You mean these DVD's are a complete body workout for upper and lower? I was under the assumption that it was only upper body... Would anyone care to compare them to Legs & Glutes please?
They are a 2 full body workout alternating different body parts they have lower -upper-and abs.Legs and glutes is a lower body workout and is longer.The premixes however on the ss/pp dvd can give you a great longer lower workout than as produced in the original workout.I really haven't done l&g that much maybe someone who has can give a better comparison.I really like the lower premix on ss/pp.
I don't like the workouts as they are, but I love the premixes. I throw these in when I need a break from strength training. It's not something I would race to acquire, just something to keep when I need more variety.

I am another person who really dislikes the workouts but loves the premixes. I used a workout put together from the mix n match menu, that works all upper body muscles to exhaustion, then does all the abs on Supersets. I also use the 3X lower body for both workouts and they are good that way.

For me, just doing the workouts as is doesn't do anything for me. But I have learned to use this one and I will keep it.
I ended up getting this one by mistake, and SNM told me to keep it. I really like it both as is and by premix. Lots of options on this DVD, the premixes are probably the big draw though. Just did Premix 2, 75 minutes in length on Saturday and, by using max weight I really fried myself.
This one may not be the favorite Cathe, but it is still worth having in your collection, imo.
Is this too easy for Catheites? I am just curious why its not getting better reviews? I don't have it - but would love to utilize my stability ball more, so thought about it - its not high on my list; however, the Premixes sounds like they are worth having....can anyone list the different premixes? isn't one of them strength and the other more endurance?
Here's a link that will give you an idea of the variety of premixes:


As for me, the Intensity Series had superior weight workouts. I don't care for PushPull as presented, but do the lower body 2x and 3x premixes. I like Supersets and do it as presented, as well as the 2x Upper Body premix.

It's not a must-have, but nice for variety and fun to play with your stability ball!

This is one of my favorites. I like the variety and the fact that they are quick and efficient. I haven't yet done any of the premixes, so it sounds like I'm even missing the best part. I say - Buy It!!
I like them too, except for the equipment changes. I think we use too much stuff in them. And in my small workout space it's hard to shuffle everything around and set up without pausing.
It's a continuing process.....
I just did both of these for the first time after using Hardcore's for a 2 month period and I really got sore (good sore) from these. My muscles felt worked in a different way ....which is always a good thing. They are a bit shorter than most of Cathe's but sometimes that's not a bad thing if you're in a hurry and they have premixes.
Seems like very different opinions on this one. It's great if you are in a hurry and nice way to get overall body workout.

I use it quite a lot.
I've only done the premixes because they're tougher and if you go as heavy as possible you're going to feel it. The only thing that bothers me about these workouts is that my exercise room looks as if a tornado went through it when I'm finished! The equipment changes are unreal.
I think the DVD are excellent for a beginner/interm to weight training. A little too easy for me, but I love the premixes. I use the 3x superset premix, excellent and I always get soreness later. It is also good as produced if you are looking for a quick but not too hard workout. I would just use heavier weights for most of the exercises.:7

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